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What are the types of mental disorders and how do they affect society?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the types of mental disorders and how do they affect society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the types of mental disorders and how do they affect society?

2 Mental Disorders An illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person It prevents him or her from leading a happy, healthful, productive life

3 The Facts Each year about 20% of the population or 54 Million People are affected by some sort of mental disorder Fewer than 8 million people seek help Only about a 1/3 receive the help they need

4 Organic Disorders Caused by a physical illness or injury that affects the brain Brain tumors Injections Drugs Injuries

5 Functional Disorders They have a physiological cause and do not involve brain damage Heredity Fear Stress Emotional conflict

6 Types of Disorders Anxiety Disorder Mood Disorder Eating Disorder
Conduct Disorder Schizophrenia Personality Disorder

7 Anxiety Disorder A condition in which real or imagined fears are difficult to control Phobia – strong irrational fear of something specific Obsessive compulsive Disorder – trapped in a repeated pattern of thoughts or behaviors Panic disorder – sudden unexplained feelings of terror Post-Traumatic Stress – a condition that may develop after exposure to a terrifying event that threatened or caused physical harm

8 Mood Disorder An illness, often with an organic cause, that involves mood extremes that interfere with everyday living Clinical Depression – a chemical imbalance that a person cannot overcome without professional help Bipolar Disorder – marked by extreme mood changes, energy levels and behaviors

9 Conduct Disorder A pattern of behavior in which the rights of others or basic social rules are violated Lying Theft Aggression Violence

10 Schizophrenia A severe mental disorder in which a person loses contact with reality Symptoms include: Delusions Hallucinations Thought disorder Have trouble distinguishing real and imagined events

11 Personality Disorders
Antisocial Personality Disorder Borderline Personality Disorder Passive-aggressive Personality Disorder

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