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MOTIVATION CONCEPTS Lazy = lack of motivation ? Motivation is a process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort.

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Presentation on theme: "MOTIVATION CONCEPTS Lazy = lack of motivation ? Motivation is a process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 MOTIVATION CONCEPTS Lazy = lack of motivation ? Motivation is a process that account for an individual’s intensity, direction and persistence of effort toward attaining [organizational] goals intensity : how hard a person tries, but not always led to favorable job performance outcome direction : on the benefit of the company persistence : how long a person maintain his/her effort

2 THEORIES OF MOTIVATION Maslow’s hierarchy of needs : to motivate someone, we need to know what level of the hierarchy that person is currently on and focus on satisfying those needs at or above that level Theory X and Y in relationship with Maslow’s theory : the idea of participative decision making, responsible and challenging jobs, and good group relations to maximize employees’ motivation Two factors theory : intrinsic factors that lead to job satisfaction and extrinsic factors to job dissatisfaction. The opposite of satisfaction is NOT dissatisfaction

3 CONTEMPORARY THOERIES ERG theory : existence, relatedness and growth in relationship with Maslow’s theory. The contradictions with Maslow : more than one group of needs may be operative at the same time, if the gratification of a higher level need is stifled the desire to satisfy an lower level need increases, more relevant in diversity McClelland’s theory : achievement, power and affiliation Cognitive Evaluation Theory : relate to the way in which people are paid in organizations by arguing that intrinsic are not independent of extrinsic motivators.

4 Goal setting theory : the intention to work toward a goal are a major source of work motivation - what to be done and how much efforts needed (cognitive approach) Reinforcement theory (behavioral approach) : behavior is an environmental caused, which ignore the individual inner feeling Equity theory : equity plays in motivation Expectancy theory : the strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depends on the strength of an expectation that the act will be followed by a desired outcome. Discuss the weaknesses.

5 A success on a job is facilitated or hindered by the existence or absence of support resources performance = f ( ability x motivation x opportunity ) the motivation theories are complementary cultural characteristics are not universal. It needs to take a good care when applying a particular theory. Cross-culture analysis is important !

6 MOTIVATION : THE APPLICATIONS How to make the goal-setting theory works ? Management by Objective (MBO) program which set a tangible, verifiable and measurable goal. Converting and translating the overall the overall organizational goals into specific goals for each unit and individual. Top-down and bottom-up strategy are implemented to set up MBO. Employee Recognition Program : a potent motivator acknowledging the employee’s achievement in certain kind of productive categories. It can take many forms based on individuals/departmental situation

7 Employee Involvement Program : nm and commitment in decision making process TQM providing intrinsic motivation by increasing opportunities for growth, responsibility and involvement in the work itself Variable-pay Program : allocate a part of the employees’ pay at risk, paid based on productivity and annual incentives Skill-based Pay Plans : paid based on competencies or capabilities. Training opportunities and equity issues !

8 Flexible benefits : a freedom to choose from a list of provided benefits that will satisfy each individual’s needs and tailor to each individual’s situation. Motivating professionals : work challenges and support based on their profession’s characteristics. Motivating contingent workers : the opportunity for permanent status. Motivating the diversified workforce : be prepared to be flexibly design the work schedule, compensation plan, benefit, physical work setting etc to reflect the employees varied needs.

9 Motivating low-skilled service workers : typically limited education and skills - broadening/enriching [limited] responsibilities and making it more appealing. Motivating people doing highly repetitive tasks : careful recruitment, work surroundings, supervision and social activities

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