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Exam 1 Review Sample Questions and Connections Practice.

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1 Exam 1 Review Sample Questions and Connections Practice

2 Which of the following was the LEAST important factor behind European exploration and settlement in the 16 th century? a. increase in scientific knowledge b. population increase c. development of nation-states d. competition for trade e. religious commitment

3 Which of the following statements is the most widely accepted description of Columbus’ accomplishments? a. He discovered a New World. b. He bears much blame for oppressing Native American peoples in North America. c. He started a permanent relationship between Europe and the Americas. d. He is responsible for most of the problems in the Americas during the colonial period. e. His heroic deeds will always be respected by fair- minded American citizens

4 Indentured servants were important to the development of the 17c Chesapeake Bay Colony because they? a. were usually artisans who brought needed skills to the area b. provided a relatively cheap and abundant source of labor for tobacco planters c. brought new ideas concerning the cultivation and cure of tobacco d. provided labor for important public projects undertaken by the colonial governments of Virginia and Maryland e. were permanently enslaved and treated as property

5 Connections Laws of Primogeniture Joint-Stock Company Economic class divisions

6 A central theme of the Puritan Ethic is its emphasis on: a. world economic dependency on the institution of slavery b. the mobility of America's class structure c. the damaging effects of slavery on the South's economy d. patriotism and the glorification of the American nation e. hard work, thrift, and sobriety

7 One important difference between the founding of Virginia and Maryland colonies was that Virginia: a. colonists were willing to come only if they could acquire land, while Maryland colonists were willing to work as tenants for feudal lords b. depended primarily on tobacco for its economy, while Maryland turned to rice cultivation c. depended on African slave labor, while Maryland relied mainly on white indentured servitude d. was founded strictly on economic venture, while Maryland was intended partly to secure religious freedom for persecuted Roman Catholics e. struggled to find leadership for several decades, while Lord Baltimore personally governed Maryland’s early colonists’

8 Connections Maryland’s Act of Toleration Roger Williams “City Upon A Hill”

9 The Mayflower Compact is significant in American political thought because: a. in it the people regard themselves as the source of political power b. it was copied for the Massachusetts Bay Charter c. in it the people agreed to be bound by the will of the majority d. in it church and state are separated e. in it were provisions guaranteeing civil rights for women and blacks

10 The Half-Way Covenant was adopted because: a. too few second- and third-generation Puritans were willing to testify publicly about their conversion experiences b. Puritans believed that Native Americans were not capable of becoming fully Christian c. Puritans wanted to justify enslavement of converted Indians and Africans d. Puritans wanted to show Anglicans that they were willing to meet them half-way on resolving differences over religious doctrine e. None of the above

11 Connections 1700s immigration Virginia House of Burgesses Chattel

12 Preacher’s of the Great Awakening focused on the importance of: a. the consequences of leading a sinful life b. the sovereignty and power of God c. repenting of one’s sins in order to be saved from eternal damnation d. looking into the Bible as the final source of authority e. All of the above

13 The trial of John Peter Zenger established the principle that: a. no government could be sued b. criticism of government was not libel (slander) if factually true c. British public officials were immune from prosecution d. any criticism of the British colonial administration was slander e. freedom of speech was not possible in the colonies

14 Connections Lexington/Concord French and Indian War Tax Acts (sugar, stamp, etc) Coercive Acts Declaration of Independence

15 Connections How does the Enlightenment influence… – Protest to tax acts – Revolution – Constitution *USE specific Enlightenment thinkers to support your answers!*

16 The Great Awakening was political in that: a. It gave people more freedom over decisions that impacted their daily life b. It aimed to draw attention to the sinfulness of people c. the colonists openly rejected royal rule in the colonies d. it unified 7 of the 13 colonies e. it established democratic assemblies in all of the 13 colonies; however the leaders were not chosen by majority rule

17 Connections Compare the Puritans, Separatists and Quakers. Shay’s Rebellion Articles of Confederation VA, NJ and CT Plans

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