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Short Stories A definition and explanation. What is the difference? Short stories are shorter in length and therefore have different obstacles they need.

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Presentation on theme: "Short Stories A definition and explanation. What is the difference? Short stories are shorter in length and therefore have different obstacles they need."— Presentation transcript:

1 Short Stories A definition and explanation

2 What is the difference? Short stories are shorter in length and therefore have different obstacles they need to confront Due to their length short stories Limit the Number of Characters Limit the Range of Settings Limit the Scope and Action

3 Definition A short story can simply be defined as a work of literature that is intended to be read at one sitting.

4 Key Elements Plot- The sequence of events Conflict- A problem or struggle Setting- Time and place of the action

5 Plot

6 Exposition Background information: Example- Finding Nemo: We see the reason that Nemo’s father is over protective and what happened to his mother. The information contains the following but is not limited to- Introduction of characters, description of setting, and showing the conflict.

7 Plot Initial Incident This is the starting point, or beginning action, of the story. Past this point there is no return. Example: This is the point where Nemo goes to touch “the butt”. Once he does this it sets a chain of events in motion.

8 Plot Rising Action This is the meat of the story. This is where the majority of the events take place. Example: This is where Nemo is in the fish tank and his father is searching for him.

9 Plot Climax The high point of the story. This is the point where you are sitting on the edge of your seat! Example: Nemo tries to convince his Dad to swim towards the bottom of the net. This is the point where his Dad must come to terms with his conflict!

10 Plot Falling Action These are the events that end in solving the story’s problem. These are the events that lead to the resolution. Example: Nemo and his father discuss what happened while they were apart.

11 Plot Resolution This is where all problems are wrapped up in a perfect little bow! Events and problems are understood and solved. Example: Nemo’s Dad realizes that though he has physical handicaps that he is capable and deserves to be treated with respect.

12 Conflict Most plots center around a conflict A conflict is defined as a problem or struggle. Example: Nemo struggles to be independent while his father attempts protect him from the real world.

13 Conflict There are 2 main types of conflicts Internal Conflict- The struggle within a character Nemo’s internal conflict is that he believes he is not capable and can’t do things due to his disability. External Conflict- A struggle between 2 characters, between one person and a group or against nature/forces Nemo has a conflict with being confined in a fish tank.

14 Setting Setting is defined as the time and place of the story. Settings can be in any time period and may change time periods through the story. They can occur at different times of day or different seasons

15 Setting The place of a story can change throughout the piece. The setting can refer to geographical location or the location within a social class. Setting is not limited to physical location.

16 Other Important Terms Tone: Writer’s attitude (formal/informal, sarcastic, sorrowful) Protagonist: Main character Antagonist: A character or force in conflict with the main character Point of View: Refers to whether a story is told by a character or an outside observer

17 Other Important Terms Cont. Dialect: A form of language spoken by people in a particular group or region (EX: Ya’ll) Irony: A twist of fate when something unexpected happens. Flashback: A work presents material that occurred prior to the opening scene of the work.

18 Cont. Symbol/Symbolism: An object/idea that has its own meaning and represents something else. Foreshadowing: Clues that suggest something is going to happen. Theme: Central idea or lesson about life that an author conveys.

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