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Presentation on theme: "CANNES MEDIA YOUNG LIONS 2014 HARRIET FINNIGAN AND BRENDAN HEWITT NEW ZEALAND."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are many charities vying for attention globally. Increasing awareness and donations among a brand-saavy, highly distracted and constantly wired Gen Y 18-25 audience requires Breakthrough the busy, hyper-connected life of our target and meaningfully engage with the Sense International cause. OUR CHALLENGE:

3 ‘I like to get involved and feel like I am part of something’ Optimistic not jaded and like to be part of communities. ‘I am really busy with Uni and work and feel like I am always functioning at a million miles per hour.’ Short attention spans mean they need to be fast and actions easy ‘I really hate brands which think I'm stupid and don’t listen to me.’ Don’t like being marketed TO but needs to feel authentic and natural. ‘I am always online and need to know when something happens straight away’ Hyper connected, technology enables their communication Lucy is immune to traditional communications; we need to embrace and involve her. THE TARGET:

4 WE MUST ENTER LUCY’S WORLD TO ENABLE HER TO HAVE RESONANCE WITH OURS Lucy is fickle about advertising, in order to gain her enduring attention we need to become a part of her life not expect her to come to us.

5 Being deafblind is incomprehensible We should not focus our attention on silence and darkness the most significant loss for deafblind children have is the ability to communicate This is a human need By reframing the way we pose ‘the problem’ to the Lucy’s of this world we begin to speak to them in a way they innately comprehend.

6 STRATEGY: INTERCEPT THE EXISTING COMMUNICATION BEHAVIOURS OF OUR AUDIENCE TO ENABLE UNDERSTANDING AND EMPOWER THEM TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. To help make Deafblindness relatable for Lucy we will communicate the disability through her frame of reference. Tell me and I will forget, Show me and I may remember, Involve me and I will understand, - Chinese Proverb

7 A collaboration with the UK’s biggest telecommunication provider. WHY? To create comprehension and donation for the Sense International cause BY USING THE POWER OF COMMUNICATION TO ENABLE THOSE WHO CANNOT.

8 Leveraging the power of a Telecommunications Company: Benefit of Infrastructure Fundamental to our audiences lives due to their technological reliance A perfect alignment with the notion of communication. Unique and bespoke communication opportunities: Vodafone offers us unique and dynamic way to reach our audience: Instantaneous messaging content. Tapping into mobile devices: The fifth limb of our Gen Y audience The perfect touch-point to enter their world. Forming an alliance with the UK’s largest Telecommunications company brings multiple benefits and provides a relevant social conscious cause for them to align with. HOW IT WORKS? Key KPIS for Sense International Increase active donations Deeper comprehension and awareness CMI base for continued conversations Engagement across social platforms

9 Blurred out texts sent Voice calls muffled or silent Texts converted into braille and sign language symbols One to One eDM’s that visualise unused communication as currency Follow initial disrupt with a bespoke video content pushed directly to Lucy’s mobile. End CTA is a message which informs her she has been chosen to join the Communication Donation movement. She is driven to the hub (in conjunction with Vodafone) Lucy pledges her call/data/texts for equivalent money donated to Sense. Each pledge demonstrates how you are helping; ie; 100m of calling ($9) per month allows for 6hrs of weaving training*. Lucy gets to choose the country she is supporting and ask questions about how the funds are spent. Link to Sense International’s social networks. Community generating opportunity via incentivised friend enlistment. Incentivised rewards programme with content partners allow for continued engagement; includes iTunes Spotify and Netflix. SHARE & REWARD A visualisation of Lucy’s donations enable her to see the extent and influence of her input and share socially. DISRUPT & EDUCATE Launch the campaign by suspending Lucy’s reality for a short period of time by bringing to life the ailments that deafblind children go through. ENGAGE & ENLIST Drive Lucy to sign up to the communication donation.

10 AMPLIFICATION Visual representation is fundamental to the continued engagement of our target Each user will have a socially sharable and personalised dashboard (created by Vodafone with their personal info) bringing to life: Pledges made Communication donated Actual hours of training and education given to children and where Rewards received as a result of their actions BEYOND THE CAMPAIGN PERIOD Infographic of change attributable to The Communication Donation PR’d with the intent of eliciting global rollout Data visualisation on the phone bills of the non- enlisted The real power behind The Communication Donation is its simplicity allows it to be exploded as a movement. We view this as just the beginning.


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