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I believe…. The FFA creed

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1 I believe…. The FFA creed
Lesson 6 Paragraph #5

2 Objectives: Students will be able to...
Recite paragraph four of The FFA Creed in front of the class with 100% accuracy. Consider the meaning of paragraph 5 of The Creed by answering related questions. Evaluate the speaking quality of themselves and another classmate through constructive criticism.

3 Confidence and Enthusiasm
Today is the Day! Everyone should be prepared to say paragraph 4 of The Creed! Remember the speaking techniques we discussed last class: Eye Contact Confidence and Enthusiasm Inflection Volume Tempo

4 Creed Grading Each Paragraph will be worth 50 points.
30 points will be for accuracy of reciting the creed. 10 points will be for Inflection, Volume, and Tempo of speaking. 10 points will be for the response to the question given in class last time.


6 Speaking Start with an Introduction Dress Professionally Who are you?
Why are you here? What are you reading? (In the case of The Creed, what are you reciting?) Dress Professionally Dress one step above your audience Official Dress is always appropriate for FFA functions

7 Speaking Choose Words Wisely Move with Purpose Use appropriate wording
Make use of engaging word pictures How is saying The Creed in front of an audience different from reading a children’s book? Move with Purpose Stay in one place when delivering a point or important information Show animation with body language

8 Speaking Elements of Speaking Pitch/Tone Pace
Vary your tone of voice to fit what you’re saying Match your pitch with your words Animate sounds – live what you’re saying! Pace Vary the rhythm of your delivery Use a slow and clear pace on important information

9 Speaking Elements of Speaking (cont’d) Articulation Volume/Intensity
Fully pronounce key information Articulate words much more than in normal conversation Volume/Intensity Speak with appropriate volume to the situation (not too quiet, not too loud)

10 Speaking Elements of Speaking (cont’d) Breathe Focus on your breathing
Breathe at the appropriate times and places in your speech. (Don’t break up the middle of sentences if you can help it.) Breathe often to relax

11 Speaking Elements of Speaking (cont’d) Eye Contact Facial Expressions
Don’t scan! Look into people’s eyes for one or two seconds all around the room Facial Expressions Expressions should match the state you want the room to be in

12 Group Work Using the handbook and read the final paragraph of The FFA Creed. As a class we will discuss the fifth paragraph questions (Creed- HO1 paragraph 5) and come up with answers.

13 Critiquing It is important to evaluate your performance and critique yourself and others. To illustrate this, we will break into groups of 2 to practice reciting the entire Creed. Critique each other on their speaking quality and other characteristics that have been discussed throughout the unit.

14 5th paragraph of the creed
I believe that American agriculture can and will hold true to the best traditions of our national life and that I can exert an influence in my home and community which will stand solid for my part in that inspiring task.

15 Assignment for next class
1. Memorize the fifth paragraph of the FFA Creed for the following class period. You will recite the paragraph in front of the class. 2. Answer 1 question on Creed– HO1 paragraph 5 and hand in at the beginning of the next class.

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