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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO THE SIXTH GRADE Mrs. Clyde’s Class Math."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME TO THE SIXTH GRADE Mrs. Clyde’s Class Math

2 PROCEDURES IN THIS CLASSROOM Give Me 5!  This is my attention signal. Please obey it. Noise Levels  I will always give you the level of noise I expect during specific activities Leaving your Seat  Please avoid as much as possible  Only leave when teacher is not speaking  Do not leave without permission  Vomit or other similar emergency- LEAVE!  Sign out on the Who’s Out Board  Bathroom-sign out with bathroom person

3 HOMEWORK You will have homework in math almost every night Homework is not graded, BUT it is checked. If you do not have it, your PASS card will be signed and your parents will be notified. Homework is essential for success, so JUST DO IT!

4 BE PREPARED Being Prepared for Class  Important so you can be successful and not the waste the educational time of others  In my class  Pencil  Pen  Math ISN  Planner  PRIDE Card  Your PASS Card will be signed for being unprepared

5 ENTRY/DISMISSAL PROCEDURES See appropriate list on either side of front board Any additional directions will be written This time is SILENT! Class will end three minutes before bell-DO NOT PACK UP EARLY!

6 TITAN CARD Must always have TITAN card on you If we ask for it, and you don’t have it, it’s an automatic after school detention Next, look at the consequences Unpreparedness consequences Resets monthly, must be signed at the end of the month

7 PLANNER Must write down the task and practice Also must put P with a circle Planner MUST be signed by parent every night  If it is not, then your PASS card will be signed If not filled out, then PASS card will be signed

8 HALLWAY CONDUCT When traveling to the next class  Be respectful  Do not touch or lean against the walls  Be quiet  Go directly to your next class-no bathroom!

9 STANDARDS BASED GRADING Each standard will be worth ten points in the grade book. This does not mean each assignment is ten points, some assignments have more than one standard. Students can redo their work to meet or exceed the standard. Must turn in work on time to be able to redo. After one week, work will no longer be accepted.

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