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Environmental Problems Patten & Valdner Global History II Mepham High School Patten & Valdner Global History II Mepham High School.

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1 Environmental Problems Patten & Valdner Global History II Mepham High School Patten & Valdner Global History II Mepham High School

2 Pollution  Pollution is the contamination of the environment (air, water, & soil) which is harmful to humans, plants and other animal life.

3 Results of Pollution  Acid Rain: Rain falls through air polluted by burning fossil fuels.  Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas  Damage caused by acid rain effects damages forests, lakes and farmland  Solutions: International agreements to reduce emissions of substances that cause acid rain  Acid Rain: Rain falls through air polluted by burning fossil fuels.  Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas  Damage caused by acid rain effects damages forests, lakes and farmland  Solutions: International agreements to reduce emissions of substances that cause acid rain

4 Depletion of the Ozone Layer  The ozone layer is a layer of gases in the atmosphere that protects the Earth from sun’s dangerous ultra violet rays  The ozone layer is depleting because of the chloroflurocarbons and chemical pollutants  The ozone layer is a layer of gases in the atmosphere that protects the Earth from sun’s dangerous ultra violet rays  The ozone layer is depleting because of the chloroflurocarbons and chemical pollutants

5 Effects of Depletion  Effects:  Exposes people to solar radiation which results in skin cancer and eye disease  Damages crops and marine life  Effects:  Exposes people to solar radiation which results in skin cancer and eye disease  Damages crops and marine life

6 Global Warming  Global warming is the gradual rise in the global temperatures because warm air is trapped in the lower atmosphere

7 Causes and Solutions  Caused of Global Warming:  Use of CFCs, burning of fossil fuel and the destruction of forests  Solutions:  UN summit (1997) set limits on emissions thought to contribute to global warming  Caused of Global Warming:  Use of CFCs, burning of fossil fuel and the destruction of forests  Solutions:  UN summit (1997) set limits on emissions thought to contribute to global warming

8 Desertification  Desertification is the change of the land form arable (able to be farmed) to desert because of human activity

9 Cause of Desertification  Overgrazing by live- stock  Cutting down forests  Overgrazing by live- stock  Cutting down forests

10 Effects of Desertification  Eliminates grasses that hold the soil together to prevent erosion  Robs the land of a barrier to soil erosion  Wind erosion removes fertile topsoil so the land cannot support plant life  Loss of farms  Decrease food production  Eliminates grasses that hold the soil together to prevent erosion  Robs the land of a barrier to soil erosion  Wind erosion removes fertile topsoil so the land cannot support plant life  Loss of farms  Decrease food production

11 Controlling Desertification  Restricting livestock  Planting new trees  In developing countries, farmers want to work as much land as possible, but……  Teaching new farming methods such as improved irrigation may help  Restricting livestock  Planting new trees  In developing countries, farmers want to work as much land as possible, but……  Teaching new farming methods such as improved irrigation may help

12 Nuclear Safety  Explain the incident at Chernobyl:  Accident in Chernobyl nuclear plant exposed people and crops to radiation  Radiation was blown across Europe  Result:  Heightened concern about safe nuclear energy; some countries increased safety practices, some cut back nuclear programs  Explain the incident at Chernobyl:  Accident in Chernobyl nuclear plant exposed people and crops to radiation  Radiation was blown across Europe  Result:  Heightened concern about safe nuclear energy; some countries increased safety practices, some cut back nuclear programs

13 Why is nuclear waste a problem?  Radioactivity remains for many years  Exposure is harmful to humans  Dumping nuclear waste at sea or in wells contaminate locality  Radioactivity remains for many years  Exposure is harmful to humans  Dumping nuclear waste at sea or in wells contaminate locality

14 Global Solutions  Dumping of waste at sea and in wells has been banned  Nations are seeking safe methods of disposal  Dumping of waste at sea and in wells has been banned  Nations are seeking safe methods of disposal

15 Deforestation  Deforestation is the destruction of forests, especially rain forests

16 Causes of Deforestation  Caused by harvesting of lumber or cleaning f land to grow crops, graze animals or build homes  50 million acres of tropical forest are lost each year  Caused by harvesting of lumber or cleaning f land to grow crops, graze animals or build homes  50 million acres of tropical forest are lost each year

17 Effects of Deforestation  Changes in local weather patterns  Buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (leading to green house effect)  Soil erosion  Extinction of certain plants and animals  Changes in local weather patterns  Buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (leading to green house effect)  Soil erosion  Extinction of certain plants and animals

18 Global Solutions  To balance economic needs of developing nations with needs of global population  International debates and discussions such and the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992

19 Endangered Species  Caused be deforestation, clearing of land, damming of waterways and pollution  These human activities threaten to wipe out species of plants and animals

20 Effects of Endangered Species  Damages balance of ecosystem  Disappearance of resources for food and medicine

21 Global Solutions  International agreements to ban certain practices (such as shipment and sale of endangered animals)  Preserving plant and animal habitats  International debates and discussions such as the UN’s Earth Summit  International agreements to ban certain practices (such as shipment and sale of endangered animals)  Preserving plant and animal habitats  International debates and discussions such as the UN’s Earth Summit

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