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Environmental Effects of Overpopulation

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1 Environmental Effects of Overpopulation


3 Nonrenewable resources are limited.
Kern County, CA Nonrenewable resources are limited. Coal Oil Natural Gas Fossil fuels Palm Springs, CA Renewable resources are unlimited. Wind Solar Water

4 Flaring natural gas


6 Why is the moon so much colder at night?
Nighttime = -150o C (-238o F) Why is the moon so much colder at night? Earth (Beverly Hills): Nighttime = 5o C (40o F)

7 Earth Some heat escapes into space CO2 heat
Some heat naturally trapped by CO2 and other greenhouse gases CO2 heat The Natural Greenhouse Effect is good for life on Earth. heat heat CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 heat CO2 CO2 CO2 Earth CO2 CO2

8 CO2, Methane, other greenhouse gases

9 Earth More heat trapped near Earth’s surface
Less heat escapes into space CO2 heat CO2 heat heat heat heat CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 heat CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Excess CO2 in atmosphere CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2 Earth CO2 CO2 CO2 CO2

10 Global Climate ChangeEffect
Main Cause: CO2 released from burning of fossil fuels Effects: Too much heat trapped near the earth’s surface may change climate patterns. Solutions: Reduce use of fossil fuels and air pollution, plant trees, use alternative energy sources.

11 Acid Rain Cause: Air pollution from burning fossil fuels combines with rain water. Effects: Ecosystems more acidic Kills plant and animal life Solutions: Reduce fossil fuel usage and air pollution. Add buffer (base) to waterways Crushed limestone is being added to this lake to raise the pH

12 Nitric acid Sulfuric acid SO2 NO NO

13 Ozone layer blocks UV radiation from the sun
Ozone Layer Depletion Cause: CFCs (air pollution) removes ozone. More UV radiation reaches the surface Effects: Crop damage Skin cancers Eye damage Solution: Regulate CFCs in factory waste plant trees. UV UV Ozone layer blocks UV radiation from the sun Ozone layer CFCs

14 Smog Causes: Effects: Solutions:
Particulates rise into air and react with sunlight to make air pollution Effects: Poisonous to plant and animal life (respiratory illness). Solutions: Reduce use of fossil fuels Plant trees

15 Deforestation Causes: Harvesting/destroying forests for: Wood demand
Creating farmland Effects: Species extinction Less CO2 removed Solutions: Recycle! Improved farming practices and technology. This used to be part of the Amazon rainforest, but rain and wind blew away much of the topsoil…creating a desert-like area. Amazon “jungle”

16 Invasive Species Zebra mussels Kudzu vines Kudzu vines Cause:
Foreign species introduced to new environment. Effects: Foreign species outcompete or prey on native species. Economic damage Solutions: Laws preventing foreign plants and animals into new countries Zebra mussels Kudzu vines Kudzu vines


18 Biomagnification Causes: Pollution in the environment. Effects:
Pollutants accumulate in fat of organisms Pollutants move up the food chain Solutions: Reduce water pollution More organic farming


20 Pollutants and their sources
Carbon dioxide: Burning oil, coal, natural gas for energy. Decay and burning of tropical forests. Sulfur dioxide: Burning coal to generate electricity. Hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetra fluoride: Aluminum and phosphate fertilizer production, oil refineries, and steel manufacturing. Ozone: Chemical reactions of sunlight on automobile exhaust gases. Ozone is a major pollutant in smog. Methane: Burning fossil fuels, livestock waste, landfills and rice production. Nitrous oxides: Burning fossil fuels and automobile exhausts. Chlorofluorocarbons: Air conditioners, refrigerators, industrial foam.

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