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What is LinkedIn?  Launched in 2003  200 Million Users  Publically held company (LNKD)  December 2012 Q4 earnings $300 million  Most popular B2B Network.

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Presentation on theme: "What is LinkedIn?  Launched in 2003  200 Million Users  Publically held company (LNKD)  December 2012 Q4 earnings $300 million  Most popular B2B Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is LinkedIn?  Launched in 2003  200 Million Users  Publically held company (LNKD)  December 2012 Q4 earnings $300 million  Most popular B2B Network


3 Create/Edit Your Profile

4 Add Connections

5 Home Page

6 Update Your Status

7 Internal Search

8 LinkedIn Recap Start  Create/Edit your Profile  Add Contacts Maintenance  Read News Feed  Update Status, Comment, Share  Internal Searches

9 What is YouTube?  Top video sharing site  Launched 2005 by three former PayPal employees  Google purchased in 2006 for 1.65 billion 4 billion videos viewed every day







16 Getting Started

17 My Channel

18 Video Manager

19 Upload Video

20 Video Marketing Tips  Customize your Channel  Create content people want  Use keywords in Title  Use keywords in Description  Tag your Video  Promote, Promote, Promote

21 What is Google+ ?  Launched in 2011  500 million registered users  235 million active monthly System known as a “social layer” consisting of overreaching layers.

22 What is in Google+ ?  Stream (updates)  Circles (circle of friends)  Hangouts (video chats)  Sparks (interests)  Huddles (group messaging)  Google Local (reviews)  Pages (business pages)  Games (social gaming)

23 Google+ Personal Page

24 Google+ Business Page

25 Google+ Local

26 Google Hangout

27 Google + Tips  Think of Google+ as an integrated platform  Hangouts becoming more popular (town halls)  Manage your friends in circles  Helps your SEO  Some Predictions: Facebook + Twitter = Google+

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