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TELLING YOUR STORY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA Karen Ackerman Director: mediastories.

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Presentation on theme: "TELLING YOUR STORY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA Karen Ackerman Director: mediastories."— Presentation transcript:

1 TELLING YOUR STORY THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA Karen Ackerman Director: mediastories

2 Today  What’s on the social media landscape  Run through of the big 3  Top Tips for using Linked in, Facebook and Twitter  Devise your own social media strategy

3 Intros Introduce yourself in 140 characters or less

4  Passionate about people telling stories through digital media. Trainer, film producer. charity trustee, mum of 3, juggler of many balls.


6 The BIG Five 1 billion users a month 1.19 billion users a month 250 million users a month 235 million users a month 250 million users a month


8 Decide where you want to be What story do you want to tell? How much information do you want to give away? What medium do you want to use? What are your objectives?

9 Website : Business Twitter : Link to blog/website/links to relevant articles/expert point of view Linkedin Career history Career Updates Conversations with network Facebook page Links to films- updates on mediastories Facebook personal profile Kids holidays Friends …AND CAREER UPDATES

10 What’s your story? What are you interested in? What do you want to talk about? What qualities do you want to be known for? What do you want to be asked to comment on? 2. What do you want to achieve? Connection with supporters? Help your charity reach a wider audience? Get to know MP’/journalists other stakeholders? Find out what people are saying about your charity? 3. How will you measure success? More likes/followers/engagement? 2. How will you measure success? More likes/followers/engagement? What’s your story? What are you interested in? What do you want to talk about? What qualities do you want to be known for? What do you want to be asked to comment on? 2. What do you want to achieve? Connection with supporters? Help your charity reach a wider audience? Get to know MP’/journalists other stakeholders? Find out what people are saying about your charity? 3. How will you measure success? More likes/followers/engagement? 2. How will you measure success? More likes/followers/engagement? What’s your social media strategy?

11 Platform 1 Platform 2 Platform 3 Platform 4 Platform 5 How will you achieve it?

12 General rules of social media Be yourself Engage with people through conversation, sharing, commenting Don’t be scared… but if you wouldn’t say something in real life, don’t say it on social media… If you don’t want to see it on the cover of the JC, don’t post it!

13 250 millions users A great business contact tool Your digital CV - Linkedin

14 Telling your story on Linkedin.. Does your profile tell your story effectively? Keep your profile up to date Make your profile as strong as it can be Edit it regularly – to ensure updates appear in your connections timelines



17 Do Look at who is connected to the people you are connected to Post interesting updates about things you are doing at work Start conversations Join relevant groups Use it for research






23 Twitter Great for making new connections Setting up your credentials as an expert Getting involved in discussion in your field Engaging with other people and your customers

24 So what’s Twitter all about? 140 characters microblogging site You can follow anyone – not just people you know You can share links, news, pictures but only in 140 characters or less Profiles are public as is almost everything you share.

25 Twitter is a bit like this….

26 Your profile:

27 Your profile Is the first impression people get of you Makes them want to connect with you Sets your credentials Links to your website Choose a handle that reflects your image Keep it short or you’ll waste vital characters

28 A profile like this…

29 Is a bit like going to a party like this…

30 The best way to tell your story on Twitter  Be approachable  Talk directly to your community  Share interesting links  Bring people together  Be yourself – have a personality


32 Charity leaders doing it well

33 Julie Bentley Girl Guides

34 Who’s using it well?


36 Facebook  Great for: Communicating with your networks Sharing pictures, video and links Asking questions. Building ‘Likes’ Creating shareable content You can create a ‘Page’

37 The best way to tell your story on Facebook Share photos and videos Look for things people will want to share- interesting stories about your organisation Encourage engagement- ask questions Post

38 Who’s using it well?

39 Summary  Linked in:  Professional – like your Digital CV  Facebook:  Social – share photos/videos  Twitter:  Connections – great way to connect and establish yourself as an expert in a field.

40 Social media top rules  Be genuine  Be interesting  Be conversational  Communicate regularly – not short bursts  Don’t spam…  Check your privacy settings  Think before you post..

41 CHECK WHAT’S WORKING  Twitter analytics

42 WHAT’S WORKING  Facebook analytics

43 Download this guide

44 summary  Connect and engage to build followers  Create great content  Measure what works – do more of it

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