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Welcome to Foley Infant School. School Staff O Headteacher – Mr Willetts O Deputy Headteacher – Mr Ludlow O EYFS Manager – Mrs Cartwright O Teachers –

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Foley Infant School. School Staff O Headteacher – Mr Willetts O Deputy Headteacher – Mr Ludlow O EYFS Manager – Mrs Cartwright O Teachers –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Foley Infant School

2 School Staff O Headteacher – Mr Willetts O Deputy Headteacher – Mr Ludlow O EYFS Manager – Mrs Cartwright O Teachers – Mrs Cartwright, Mrs Shaw & Mrs Jones O Teaching Assistants – Mrs Whiston, Mrs Jackson, Miss Davies and Mrs Day O School Business Manager – Mrs Grove O Office- Mrs Harper and Mrs Gwilliam

3 Uniform O Black Shoes not trainers O Polo shirts O Jumpers / Cardigans O PE Kit – White t-shirt, dark shorts, pumps O Jewellery / watches O Trousers or skirts not tracksuit bottoms/jeans O Sun hats

4 Outdoor Learning O Wellies

5 Lunchtime arrangements O Free Meals for all – Sept ‘14 O Food freshly prepared onsite O Sandwich option available from school O Dinners, sandwiches, home O NO glass bottles or fizzy drinks please O Midday Supervisors- need to follow their instructions O Menu text each day O Banana menu

6 Healthy School O Fruit or vegetable for break provided O Milk free for Under 5’s then 22p a day when ordered weekly online O Packed lunches - balanced

7 Water Bottles O We wish your child to have access to water during the day so you will need to provide a named water bottle O Available from office - £1.50 O Returned on a daily basis O It should only contain water O It is kept in the classroom and can be accessed by the child during the day O This bottle needs to be separate from their packed lunch drink

8 Attendance / Reporting Absences O Importance of good attendance O Below 85% - EWO O Holidays O Reporting Absences by 9:15am

9 Medication Policy O Must be brought in by an adult and form completed. Will be administered by office staff. No ibuprofen or aspirin. O Parents responsibility to collect at end of day from office

10 Behaviour O Expectations are very high O Good work assembly O Golden time O Stickers O Citizenship - school councils – elected by children in Years 1 & 2 O Contact made by school O Formal procedures if needed

11 Pre-entry expectations O Toileting independently O Getting changed O Using knife and fork O Coats on and off O Manners

12 Book bags (Learning at home) O Book bag 3x per week Mon – Book of choice Weds – Phonics or High Frequency Words Fri – Book which has been shared

13 Parents’ Meetings O Formal parent evenings are held three times during the year when you will have the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress O In the Autumn term : To discuss how the children have settled O In the Spring term : To discuss progress O In the Summer term : To discuss the end of year report

14 Dates and times O School starts at 8.55am O Doors open 8.45am O Lunch 12.00- 1.00pm O Finish at 3.10pm O First day of term- Wednesday 9 th September O Regular newsletter with other dates and information. Available on website.

15 Arriving and Leaving O Children come onto school site with parents O To encourage independence children enter school on their own O Visitors via main reception O End of day dismiss via classroom doors O Coach children

16 Home School Contacts O Reading diaries O In morning via entrance / TAs O At end of day when collecting O Please make an appointment O Early contact from class teacher O Text message system O E-mail O Parents’ Evenings O Accidents

17 Before and After School Provision O Provided by Kinver Wraparound on school premises. O 7.30am to start of school O 3.10pm until 6.00pm O See leaflet in pack O Ofsted approved.

18 PTA O Range of events O Welcome new members

19 Paperwork O Data Collection Sheet O Home school agreement O Local Visit slip O Internet Usage Consent Form O Photographs and videos consent O Milk Ordering Details Birth certificates - office

20 Please can we have this returned as soon as possible.


22 Free School Meals Available for all children at Foley. O Free School Meal Entitlement : Free milk, free trips, free clubs and additional targeted curriculum support. O Additional funding for school. O Application by National Insurance number in school office.

23 Induction Day O Arrival - top playground O 9.15am to 12.30pm O Children lunches – Free O Adults can join us at 11.30am to see lunchtime in action. O Collection/exit – Main Entrance O No water bottles O Inhalers / medication to class teacher O Don’t need anything else

24 Induction Day Menu O Cheese toastie or fish fingers O Chips O Baked beans or peas O Chocolate sponge and custard O Jelly and ice cream O Fruit and yoghurt

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