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St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School Information about 2P.

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Presentation on theme: "St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School Information about 2P."— Presentation transcript:

1 St. Peter’s C.E. Primary School Information about 2P

2 Introduction Welcome Teachers and Teaching Assistants: Miss Sophie Price, Mrs Vicky Arrowsmith and Mrs Sarah Perry. Classroom location and doors

3 Independence Children can enter school using the first door on the left on the KS1 playground. (right hand side of the main building when you head towards the nursery) Children will be dismissed at the end of the day, from the same door they enter school in a morning. If you know you will be late collecting your child, please ring school to let us know. Children whose parents are not there to collect them, will be told to come back into school and wait in the classroom or outside the office (if it is after 3.30pm). This way we know they are safe.

4 Asthma If your child has asthma, please make sure that all necessary forms have been completed and that your child has the necessary inhalers and a spacer in school. If your child has any other medical issues or allergies please inform us.

5 English English topics will include : Fiction: Animal Adventure Stories, Stories by the same author, Traditional Tales with a Twist Information Texts Explanation texts Poetry Themes Next term children will be studying in depth the following themes: Animals Toys

6 Visits and Visitors Children will have the opportunity to benefit from visits and visitors to school. We are fortunate that the school heavily subsidises visits and visitors and therefore the maximum cost of any trip should not exceed £10 and will often be less. If you are interested in helping on any trips please let me know. DBS forms are available from the office, if required.

7 Homework Approximately 1¼ hours of homework per week, to include: Reading Spellings Talk Homework Maths - number bonds/times tables

8 Uniform Uniform consists of white shirt, grey trousers, shorts or skirt, navy jumper and black shoes. Please could girls not wear bright, patterned tights or boots. Hair gel, hair braids, nail varnish and make up are not part of our uniform. The only jewellery allowed is watches and plain stud earrings.

9 P.E. Kit Blue St Peter’s t-shirt Navy or black shorts Pumps or trainers Tracksuit bottoms School sweatshirt Please remember that children cannot do P.E. with earrings in. Staff are not allowed to take earrings out. Therefore, children need to be able to take their own earrings out, or preferably, not wear them on P.E. days. Nor should they do P.E. in their school shoes. Please could they have pumps or trainers in school.

10 P.E. Days P.E. Will be on the following days: Monday Friday

11 Please Remember ! All uniform should be named. Children can bring in their own, named water bottle. Please encourage your child to remember their book bag every day. Please can children return letters, monies and slips to the classroom and not the office; this develops independence and responsibility.

12 Keeping in Touch Parents’ evenings will take place during the autumn term. If you need to speak to school regarding your child’s well being or their academic progress please feel free to contact us. Thank you for all your support.

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