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St Philip Howard Catholic School Foundation Stage Introduction to Snowflakes Nursery.

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Presentation on theme: "St Philip Howard Catholic School Foundation Stage Introduction to Snowflakes Nursery."— Presentation transcript:

1 St Philip Howard Catholic School Foundation Stage Introduction to Snowflakes Nursery

2 Our Mission Statement We are part of God’s family. We follow the way of Jesus by loving, learning and doing our best.

3 Nursery Provision  Every child is entitled to 15 hours per week Nursery provision.  Morning sessions 8.45am - 11.45am  Afternoon sessions 12.30pm - 3.30pm ** PLEASE NOTE DIFFERENCES IN TIMES TO NORMAL SCHOOL DAY **

4 Nursery Staff  Morning Nursery -Mrs Gajjar  Afternoon Nursery – Mrs Claridge

5 Starting Nursery  Staggered start during the first week– please see letter in packs  Entrance via side gate onto Foundation Stage playground. This is the only gate open for pick up at 11.45 and drop off at 12.30.  Please do not use the school car park

6 Home Visits Home visits will take place at the beginning of the Autumn term on Monday 7 th September Tuesday 8 th September These are to ensure the children settle as well as possible into school. Visits will be by a teacher and a teaching assistant and will be approx 20 mins long. Children will be invited to visit Nursery for an hour either morning or afternoon on Thursday 9 th July.

7 Nursery Routine  Self registration  Child Initiated Activities  Adult led activity/small group work  Snack time – free milk and fruit  Child Initiated Activities  Story Please collect on time

8 Rhyme and Song Book Each child has a Rhyme and Song book which needs to be returned every Monday for the new rhyme and Sound of The Week.

9 My Rhyme and Song Book Name of your child

10 Nursery parents and carers Come and join us for our Stay and Play sessions! The first Friday of every month Morning Nursery 8.45-9.45am Afternoon Nursery 12.30-1.30pm

11 Girl’s Uniform Winter:  Grey skirt or pinafore, gold school polo shirt, maroon school sweatshirt or cardigan  Maroon jogging top & bottom if preferred  Black school shoes (easy to undo)  Warm, waterproof coat  Book Bag  Wellington Boots Summer:  Pink checked dress, maroon cardigan  Sun hat.  Light waterproof jacket/pac-a-mac for sudden showers.  P.E. - maroon shorts, white t-shirt, black plimsolls, P.E. bag ALL ITEMS TO BE CLEARLY NAMED PLEASE All uniform available on the M&S website or from Smarty’s in Hatfield town centre

12 Boy’s Uniform Winter:  Grey trousers, gold school polo shirt, maroon school sweatshirt or cardigan  Maroon jogging top & bottom if preferred  Black school shoes (easy to undo)  Warm, waterproof coat  Book Bag  Wellington Boots Summer:  Grey shorts or trouser, gold polo shirt, maroon sweatshirt  Sun hat.  Light waterproof jacket/pac-a-mac for sudden showers.  P.E. - maroon shorts, white t-shirt, black plimsolls, P.E. bag ALL ITEMS TO BE CLEARLY NAMED PLEASE All uniform available on the M&S website or from Smarty’s in Hatfield town centre

13  Weekly Noticeboard displayed in classroom windows and sent to parents via Parentmail.  Other correspondence is sent home in book bags  Absence: Please telephone the school on the first day your child is ill and inform us of the reason they are absent – some illnesses are notifiable. Vomiting and diarrhoea – children must be at least 24 hours clear before returning to school.  Daily contact via class teacher/teaching assistant  Head & Assistant Heads always available via school office  Email  School website Communication

14 Any money sent to school MUST be in an envelope with: Child’s Name Class Reason for Payment (eg Raffle tickets, School Trip etc)

15 Housekeeping Children should be toilet trained and dry by the time they start Nursery We are a nut free school. Any medication should be brought to the school office where a consent form will be filled in. We can only administer prescribed medication. Staff are trained in the management of diabetes and are also trained to administer Epipens and inhalers for asthma.

16 Mrs M Waugh, Headteacher Early Years Pupil Premium Reception applications Top up sessions may be available in Playgroup Building Fund Attendance and punctuality Holidays Helpers Friends of the School The School Community


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