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 Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs are infections spread from person to person through sexual contact.  They are also called STIs (sexually transmitted.

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2  Sexually transmitted diseases or STDs are infections spread from person to person through sexual contact.  They are also called STIs (sexually transmitted infections).  Each year ¼ of all new STIs are in the 15-19 year age group.

3  Most STDs are spread only through sexual contact.  You can’t tell by looking at a person if they have a STD.  A person with a STD may not have any symptoms.  Many STDs can be treated, but early detection is crucial.

4  STDs can recur if the body doesn’t build up immunity to them.  STDs are serious diseases that can cause sterility, blindness, deafness, insanity, and death.

5  Practice Abstinence This is important because STDs differ from other communicable diseases in 2 ways: 1. There are no vaccines for any STDs except hepatitis B. 2. Your body can’t build up immunity to STDS.

6  AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a deadly disease that interferes with the body’s ability to fight infection.  HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is the virus that will lead to AIDS.

7  Where Did HIV Come From?  Scientists believe HIV came from a particular kind of chimpanzee in Western Africa. Humans probably came in contact with HIV when they hunted and ate infected animals. Recent studies indicate that HIV may have jumped from monkeys to humans as far back as the late 1800s

8  A person can carry the virus for ten or more years before showing signs of infection.  They will look normal.  HIV can be passed 4 ways  Sexual contact  Sharing of contaminated needles  Contact with contaminated blood/body fluids.  From mother to unborn child.

9  Through the air  Kissing  Skin to skin contact  Mosquitos or other vectors  Sharing eating utensils  Donating blood


11  Diagram on board


13  Since 1981:  619,000+ have died  1.2 million living with AIDS  50,000 new cases in the USA every year.  AIDS is in every state in the nation.

14  HIV attacks the immune system.  HIV destroys the T cells (which activate the B cells to fight infection).  An infected person may have flu like symptoms at the onset of the disease.  Soon AIDs takes over and the person will have swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, diarrhea, weight loss, and fever.

15  It rarely infects a healthy person.  Many infected people will die from illnesses such as pneumonia.


17  Blood tests are used to test for HIV. It can take up to 6 months for the tests to show the antibodies to show up in the blood.  AZT is an antiviral medicine that slows the progress of HIV in the body.

18  What do HIV and AIDs stand for?  How can you contact HIV?  How can you not get HIV?  Explain the difference between HIV and AIDs.

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