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Chapter 2 -Glorious Revolution. Glorious Revolution-late 1700’s This forced English kings to recognize they needed to rule in accordance with laws approved.

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1 Chapter 2 -Glorious Revolution

2 Glorious Revolution-late 1700’s This forced English kings to recognize they needed to rule in accordance with laws approved. The Glorious Revolution, on eof three great revolutions in the Western world, introduced the ultimate power of a representative body.

3 Three Major Revolutions Glorious-Introduced supreme power of elected authority. American-spelled out the roleof government institutions and and rights of citizens. French-asserted the principles of liberty and equality of all people.

4 Tudor Family Ruled England Henry VIII yielded more power to Parliament. He got Parliament to appoint head of the Church of England, a new church (Anglican Church). He seized Catholic lands and gave them to wealthy Parliament members.

5 Elizabeth England becomes Protestant under her reign, but many, including the Puritans feel it is too Catholic. Many Puritans flee to North America.

6 Stuart Family They come to the throne and try to reestablish an absolute Monarchy. James I operates without the consent of Parliament. This is the Eleven Years tyranny (1629- 1640).

7 Civil War-1642 Cavaliers-supported the King Roundheads supported the Parliament. Cromwell and many Puritans lead the roundheads to victory. They execute the king and establish a commonwealth. Cromwell rules as a military dictator until his death in 1658.

8 Catholic Stuarts return to the throne James II- named Catholics to high positions. This angered Anglicans and Protestants. A group of noblemen invite Dutch leader, William of Orange, to invade England. William and his wife Mary, daughter of James, raise an army and invade. James and his army flee with no violence. This is the Glorious Revolution.

9 William and Mary They take the throne in 1689 along with a Bill of Rights. This gave more power to an elected Parliament and strengthened the rule of law. This lays the ground work for limited monarchy.

10 John Locke- “Two Treatises on Government” Argued against absolute rule Believed in natural rights and the need for government to protect people’s rights. These ideas influenced the American and French Revolutions.

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