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University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Chapter 1—The Young Child Dr. Ann Weiss University of St. Thomas The Young Child EDUC5355.

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Presentation on theme: "University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Chapter 1—The Young Child Dr. Ann Weiss University of St. Thomas The Young Child EDUC5355."— Presentation transcript:

1 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Chapter 1—The Young Child Dr. Ann Weiss University of St. Thomas The Young Child EDUC5355

2 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Major Points Define child development The importance of early childhood development Defining Theory Brief overview of theories

3 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Developmentally Appropriate Practice The process of professionals making decisions about the well being and education of children based on at least three important kinds of information or knowledge.

4 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Developmentally Appropriate Practice (con’t) 1.What is known about child development and learning- knowledge or age-related human characteristics that permits general predictions within an age range about what activities, materials, interactions, or experiences will be safe, healthy, interesting, achievable, and also challenging to children. 2.What is know about the strengths, interests, and needs of each individual child in the group to be able to adapt for and responsible to inevitable individual variation. 3.Knowledge of the social and cultural contexts in which children live to ensure that learning experiences are meaningful, relevant, and respectful for the participating children and their families.

5 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Theories Psychoanalytic Psychosexual (Freud) Psychosocial (Erikson) Related Theories (Maslow, Rogers Maturation (Gesell) Behavioral Theory Classical Conditioning (Pavlov, Thorndike, Watson) Operant Conditioning (Skinner) Social Learning Theory (Bandura) Cognitive Theory (Piaget) Ecological Systems Theory (Bronfenbrenner) Child Microsystem Mesosystem Exosystem Macrosystem

6 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Piaget: Cognitive Development Stages of Cognitive Development SensorimotorPreoperational Concrete Operational Formal Operational Experiences are understood in terms of sensations and actions Experiences are understood in terms of symbols, but logical thinking is impeded because of three factors Experiences are understood in terms of concrete symbols and logical manipulation of symbols Experiences are understood in terms of concrete or logical manipulation of symbols Perceptual Centration IrreversibilityEgocentrism

7 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development Sensorimotor Stage (Birth to two years) Uses behaviors such as sucking, grasping, and gross body activities to build schemes. Begins to develop the concept that things exist even when not visible. Dependent on real objects. The frame of reference is the world of here and now. Preoperational Stage (Two to seven years) Language development accelerates. Self-centered in thought and action. Thinks everything has a reason or purpose. Makes judgments primarily on basis of how things look.

8 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development (con’t) Concrete Operations Stage (Seven to eleven) Capable of reversing thought processes. Ability to conserve or undo thought processes. Still dependent on how things look for decision making. Less self- centered. Is able to organize time and space. Begins understanding of numbers. Formal Operations Stage (Eleven to fifteen) Capable of dealing with word and hypothetical problems. Ability to reason scientifically and in a logical manner. No longer bound to concrete objects in thinking. Can think using words or numbers.

9 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Macrosystem Attitudes and Ideologies of the Culture Exosystem Extended Family Friends of Family Mass Media Social Welfare Services Neighbors Legal Services Mesosystem Microsystem Family Health Services School Peers Neighborhood Play Area Church Group Brofenbrenner’s ecological systems theory Child Sex Age Health Etc.

10 University of St. Thomas EDUC 5355 Chapter 1—The Young Child Dr. Ann Weiss University of St. Thomas The Young Child EDUC5355

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