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Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you:

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Presentation on theme: "Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you:
08/10/2018 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, if they apply to you: Friday (08/10) – Fundraiser – 11:10-11:40 - PBIS Kickoff – 2:25-3:15 - Floyd spirit wear & jeans day Friday (08/17) – Biblionasium & Book Check-outs – LMC Monday (08/20) – Curriculum Night – 6:00 p.m. Wednesday (08/22) – RI #1 – 8th Grade Lab Go get your breakfast NOW. Do not wait. Turn in any signed paperwork to the homeroom bin. If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 08/10/18
P.B.I.S. LESSONS Did you turn in your syllabus homework, parent homework, and/or “To Map a Story” sheet? If you did NOT, you will see a zero in the gradebook. Even though these items are now past due, you can still turn them in now! Keep track of when your work is due! Independently, come up with behaviors that are respectful, responsible and safe for the computer labs. Once you have one of each, put your Post-Its on the appropriate posters around the room. Keep in mind that this is just your warm up. We will have other tasks to do soon, so be sure to stay on task now!

3 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/17
Essential Question: How can I be respectful, responsible and safe? What are plot elements? Standard: ELACC6RL3 – Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/17
I.A.N. Page Numbers: First, using a pencil, write the ODD page numbers only on the bottom of right side pages only. The left side pages will be for even numbers, which you can do later. Be sure to write the number on the INSIDE of the red marginal line.

5 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/17
Setting Up Your I.A.N.: You will use your I.A.N. (Interactive Notebook) EVERY DAY. Then, on the very first cut sheet, write the following information using a BLUE MARKER: Use some shade of BLUE. Write these on the FIRST LINE. Write this INSIDE OF THE RED MARGIN.

6 Language Arts – Work Session 08/10/18
Does your I.A.N. look like this? If the answer is no, fix your notebook now!

7 Language Arts – Closing Session 08/10/18
What Represents You? Think of what motivates or inspires you. These are the text/images you will search for within our magazines. Cut out and glue down images and text that represent and/or inspire you on the cover of your IAN. Be sure not to cover up your name! You must cover the entire front cover with multiple images and/or text. Later, we will seal your cover so that it lasts.

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