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Unit 2 Terminology Vocab

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1 Unit 2 Terminology Vocab

2 allusion A reference made to a well-known person, event, or place from history, music, or art Example: Romeo was the forbidden fruit that Juliet just could not resist.

3 Figurative language The use of words to describe one thing in terms of another

4 Dramatic irony When the reader or audience knows something the characters do not Examples: We know that scar killed mufasa but simba does not.

5 foreshadowing The use of hints or clues about what will happen in the future Example:

6 Irony (situational) When what happens is the opposite of what is expected (negatively) Example:

7 Literal language The exact meaning or denotations of words
“It is raining very hard outside.”

8 mood The atmosphere or predominant emotion in a literary work Example:

9 Point of view The perspective from which the story is told
Example: Could be 1st person, 3rd person limited or 3rd person omniscient

10 1st person Narrator uses “I” “me” “my” Example

11 3rd person limited Uses “he” “she” “them”- knows the thoughts of only 1 character Example:

12 3rd person omniscient Uses “he” “she” “them”- knows the thoughts of multiple characters Example:

13 style The distinctive way a writer uses language (through diction, syntax, imagery, organization, etc) Example:

14 symbol Anything (object, animal, event, person, place) that represents itself and something else

15 theme A writer’s central idea or main message that is repeated in a text

16 tone The author’s (or speaker’s) attitude toward a subject, character, or audience Example:

17 Verbal irony When the speaker/narrator says something but means the opposite Examples: Can be sarcasm but doesn’t have to be

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