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Word ADefinition AWord BDefinition BWord CDefinition C 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 Word ADefinition AWord BDefinition BWord CDefinition C 100 200 300 400 500

3 1 Question for 100 Who is a person or animal that takes part in the action of a literary work?

4 1 Answer for 100 Who is a character

5 1 Question for 200 What is the sequence of events in a story?

6 1 Answer for 200 What is the plot

7 1 Question for 300 Who is a character or force in conflict with a main character, or protagonist?

8 1 Answer for 300 Who is an antagonist

9 1 Question for 400 What part of the work of a story introduces the characters, setting, and basic situation?

10 1 Answer for 400 What is the exposition

11 1 Question for 500 This is also known as the atmosphere and is the feeling created in the reader by a literary work or passage.

12 1 Answer for 500 What is a Mood

13 2 Word for 100 Protagonist?

14 2 Answer for 100 Who is the main character in a literary work.

15 2 Word for 200 Rising Action

16 2 Answer for 200 What is the part of the plot that begins to occur as soon as the conflict is introduced. –And- Increases reader interest.

17 2 Word for 300 External Conflict

18 2 Answer for 300 What is the conflict that exists when a character struggles against some outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or fate.

19 2 Word for 400 Resolution

20 2 Answer for 400 What is the part of the plot that concludes the falling action by revealing or suggesting the outcome of the coflict.

21 2 Word for 500 Connotation

22 2 Answer for 500 What is the set of ideas associated with a word that are not its dictionary definition.

23 3 Question for 100 What is the struggle between opposing forces in a story or play?

24 3 Answer for 100 What is conflict.

25 3 Question for 200 What is a figure of speech that compares seemingly unlike things and uses like or as to do so?

26 3 Answer for 200 What is a simile.

27 3 Question for 300 What does the author do by using clues to hint at what might happen later in the story?

28 3 Answer for 300 What is foreshadowing.

29 3 Question for 400 What is a figure of speech in which an animal, object, force of nature, or idea is given human qualities or characteristics?

30 3 Answer for 400 What is personification.

31 3 Question for 500 What is a figure of speech that is a combination of seemingly contradictory words?

32 3 Answer for 500 What is an oxymoron.

33 4 Word for 100 Falling action

34 4 Answer for 100 What is the action that typically follows the climax and reveals its results.

35 4 Word for 200 Climax

36 4 Answer for 200 What is the point of greatest emotional intensity, interest, or suspense in the plot of a narrative. It usually comes at the turning point in a story or drama.

37 4 Word for 300 Internal conflict

38 4 Answer for 300 What is the conflict that exists within the mind of a character who is torn between different courses of action.

39 4 Word for 400 Alliteration

40 4 Answer for 400 What is the repetition of sounds, most often consonant sounds, at the beginning of words.

41 4 Question for 500 Hyperbole, metaphor, personification, and/or simile

42 4 Answer for 500 What are examples of types of figures of speech?

43 5 Question for 100 What is the central message, concern, or purpose of a literary work?

44 5 Answer for 100 What is the theme.

45 5 Question for 200 What is the growing interest and excitement readers experience while awaiting a climax or resolution in a work of literature?

46 5 Answer for 200 What is suspense.

47 5 Question for 300 What are words or phrases that appeal to one or more of the five senses? Writers use this to describe how the subjects look, sound, feel, taste and smell.

48 5 Answer for 300 What is imagery.

49 5 Question for 400 What reflects a writer’s or speaker’s attitude towards a subject of a poem, story, or other literary work?

50 5 Answer for 400 What is tone.

51 5 Question for 500 What is the perspective, or vantage point, from which a story is told?

52 5 Answer for 500 What is the point of view.

53 6 Word for 100 Setting

54 6 Answer for 100 What is the time of place of the action in a literary work?

55 6 Word for 200 Metaphor

56 6 Answer for 200 What is a type of speech that compares or equates two or more things that have something in common and does not use like or as.

57 6 Word for 300 Style

58 6 Answer for 300 What is the distinctive way in which an author uses language?

59 6 Word for 400 Flashback

60 6 Answer for 400 What is a literary devise in which an earlier episode, conversation, or events is inserted into the sequence of events?

61 6 Word for 500 What are: first person point of view and third person point of view.

62 6 Answer for 500 First person: What is a story told by a character who uses the first-person pronoun “I”. Third person: What is a story told by a narrator and uses “he” and “she” to refer to characters.

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