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English Civil War WH II #19.

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1 English Civil War WH II #19

2 Foundations of English Freedoms
Original paths to the rights of Englishmen: __________________~ (11th century +) the idea that uniform rules applied to most areas and should be _________________________________ ___________________~ the first document “forced” on a king by his subjects to ensure the __________ ___________________________________ ___________~ the accused can choose to be _______________________________ ____________. Even though the idea was around a while before, jury trial was a big part of the Magna Carta.

3 Nope! A Democracy… Kind Of…
________________~ _______________________________________ ____________________________ Why democracy in England? Increasing discontent by the people and parliament over the idea of ______________________ _______ (1603 – 1625) came to the throne trying to issue in an era of _________________. But the people and ____________ fiercely resisted.

4 James I to King Charles I
Key historic events under King James I: Founding of ___________(1607); _______________ ______________, Mass. (1620); creation of the _______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________ ________________(1625 – 1649). Like his father, _________________ _____________________________ But, like James, his actions worried Puritans and Parliamentarians.

5 Charles I “Absolute” Actions:
He _______________________ (a sign of his desire for a Catholic future in England). Attempted to __________________________________ (wanting to “purify” the Church of England); ______ __________________________in the New World. __________________ several times (angered over their demands to share power in Britain). _____________________________ ____________________ 1642 – Charles I and his troops _______________________ to arrest some radical members, they escaped out the back and raised an army...

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