Math Star Students 4/9-4/13 Literacy Calendar Birthdays Jonathan – 7th

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1 Math Star Students 4/9-4/13 Literacy Calendar Birthdays Jonathan – 7th
Our book for the week is “Playday For Trucks” and the sight words are “for & am”. Please have your child practice reading and writing their sight words at home. We will begin learning about our community and the people and jobs that work within it. In Reading Workshop, we will continue in our Poetry Unit. The children have been enjoying hearing some of my favorite Shel Silverstein poems. The also have a packet of sight words poems that they are reading with their reading buddy. In Writing Workshop, students will continue to learn about Functional Writing. This week students will read mentor texts that model the use of making lists and writing letters. They will learn the purpose for each and then have the opportunity to practice these different styles of writing. Calendar 4/16 – Spring Pictures 4/25 – IF Kindergarten Registration for at The Chapel 9:00-3:00 5/1-5/3 – IF Book Fair 5/3 – Open House 6:30-7:30 5/18 – Early Release/ 12:50 Dismissal 5/23 – Kindergarten Field Day 5/25 – Early Release/ 12:50 Birthdays Jonathan – 7th Math This week we will continue work in Module 11. Students will be drawing pictures and writing equations to solve addition and subtraction word problems. They have been doing a great job of solving word problems, but they are still inconsistent with being able to tell me if they added or subtracted. This is something that we will keep working on. We created a chart to help identify words and phrases that are used in addition and subtraction problems. Students will benefit from working with hands-on items where they can actually “take away” or “add” things when solving a word problem. This will help connect the words to the physical action. Star Students 4/9 Jonathan’s Birthday 4/10 David 4/11 Anthony 4/12 Anya 4/13 Lucas *Star student will read a book to the class from their book bin.

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