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Present Subjunctive Unidad 4.

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1 Present Subjunctive Unidad 4

2 Conjugating Present Subjunctive- Regular Verbs
Conjugate verb in the yo present tense pongo hablo Chop off the –o. pong- habl- Add opposite endings. -ar -er/-ir -e -emos -a -amos -es -éis -as -áis -e -en -a -an no hablen no ponga

3 Conjugating Present Subjunctive- Irregular Verbs
Irregular Subjunctive Verbs ir ser saber vaya vayamos sea seamo sepa sepamos vayas vayáis seas seáis sepas sepáis vaya vayan sea sean sepa sepan dar estar haber Dé demos esté estémos haya hayamos des deis estés estéis hayas hayáis Dé den estés estén haya hayan

4 Conjugating Present Subjunctive- Stem Changes
Stem changes in –ar and –er verbs is the same as present indicative. pensar- to think piense pensemos pienses penséis piense piensen

5 Conjugating Present Subjunctive- Stem Changes
Stem changes in –ir verbs is the same as present indicative, but also stem change in the nosotros and vosotros forms o u and e i. dormir- to sleep duerma durmamos duermas durmáis duerma duerman

6 Conjugating Present Subjunctive- Spelling Changes
Verbs that end in change to –car que –gar -gue –zar -ce

7 Present Subjunctive- Volition
Subjunctive occurs most frequently when you have: an independent clause + que + dependent clause and a subject change.

8 Present Subjunctive- Volition
If there is no subject change, use the infinitive. ¿Quieres visitar Madrid? Sí, espero ir este año.

9 Trigger Words- Volition
aconsejar que advise desear que desire exigir que demand/require insistir que insist ojalá que I hope preferir que prefer recomendar que recommend

10 Trigger Words- Volition
suplicar que beg/plead decir que tell escribir que write hacer que make mandar que send pedir que ask prohibir que prohibit

11 Trigger Words- Volition
rogar que beg dejar que let esperar que hope impedir que prevent obligar a que oblige permitir que permit/allow querer que want sugerir que suggest

12 Present Subjunctive- Volition
Decir and escribir require the subjunctive when used to express a command. Ojalá is always followed by the subjunctive. When used to express an indirect command, the verbs aconsejar, dejar, hacer, mandar, obligar, permitir, and prohibir can be followed by either an infinitive or que and the subjunctive.

13 Present Subjunctive Impersonal expressions that trigger subjunctive:
es mejor que It’s better that es necesario que It’s necessary that es imprescindible que It’s essential that importa que It’s important that es probable que It’s probable that

14 Present Subjunctive es imposible que It’s impossible that
conviene que It’s convenient/proper es menester que It’s necessary that es preciso que It’s necessary that es importante que It’s important that más vale que It’s better that es posible que It’s possible that

15 Present Subjunctive es bueno que It’s good that
es malo que It’s bad that es lástima que It’s a shame that es raro que It’s rare that es fácil que It’s easy that es difícil que It’s difficult/ unlikely that

16 Present Subjunctive: Sequencing of Tenses
Main clause (indicative) Dependent clause (subjunctive) present present perfect present future present perfect command

17 Present Subjunctive: Sequencing of Tenses
The present subjunctive is used to express what is happening or will happen in constructions that require the subjunctive. The present perfect subjunctive is used to express what has happened or will have happened in constructions that require the subjunctive.

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