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A medium for creative expression

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1 A medium for creative expression
POETRY A medium for creative expression

2 What is POETRY? Think-Pair-Share: Turn to the person beside you and discuss what you think poetry is. We will share our thoughts with the class.

3 Poetry Is a piece of literature (like a short story or novel, but usually much shorter) where more focus is on the expression of feelings and ideas by using figurative devices. Poetry is a genre of literature.

4 Poetry There are many varieties of poems, such as: Acrostic Haiku
Limerick Lyric Ode Ballad Sonnet Free-Verse

5 Figurative Devices Figurative devices are ways to express your feelings and ideas in a stylistic way. There are many examples that we are going to be looking at throughout this unit.

6 Rhyme The repetition of sounds in two or more words or phrases that appear close to each other in a poem. For Example: One, two Buckle my shoe Three, four Shut the door

7 Rhyme Scheme A rhyme scheme is a pattern of rhymes in a poem.
This is an example of a rhyme scheme: Roses are red (a) Violets are blue (b) Sugar is sweet (c) And so are you (b) Line 2 and 4 have the same rhyme because blue and you rhyme.

8 Stanza A stanza is a lot like a paragraph in a piece of writing.
They are usually grouped together by the rhyme pattern and/or number of lines that they have.

9 Refrain A word, phrase, line, or group of lines repeated regularly in a poem (or song), usually at the end of each stanza.

10 Simile Comparing two things using the words “like” or “as” Example:
“The moon looks like a slice of orange” “He was as tall as a tower” “Her eyes were as blue as the ocean”

11 Metaphor A direct comparison; does NOT use “like” or “as” Example:
He is a monster This place is heavenly This room is a disaster zone

12 Hyperbole An exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally (true). Example: I am so hungry I could eat a cow I have a ton of homework I am so tired I could sleep for a year

13 Onomatopoeia When a word sounds like what it means. Example:
The bee buzzed The girl zipped up her jacket.

14 Repetition To say a word/words more than once Example
Come sail away, come sail away, Come sail away with me.

15 Personification Giving human qualities to something that is not human like things or objects Example: My computer hates me The lights blinked in the distance Time marches on The birds expressed their joy

16 Alliteration When two or more words in a poem begin with the same letter or sound. Example: Alice and Amanda ate apples everyday in August. Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.

17 Synonym Words that have the same meaning to another word. Example:
Tired = sleepy Sad = unhappy Mad = Angry Mistake = error

18 Antonym A word that means the opposite of another word Example:
Big= small Short = tall Dark = light

19 Rhythm Repeated pattern of movement or sound Example:
Think of the rhythm of your heart beat

20 Syllable Pronunciation of vowel sounds Example: A-man-da: 3 syllables
Wa-ter: 2 syllables Cow: 1 syllable Pro-nun-ci-a-tion: 5 syllables

21 BALLAD Ballads are poems that tell a story
They are considered to be a form of narrative poetry They are often used in songs and have a very musical quality to them Common themes include: love, tragedy, and the supernatural.

22 Characteristics of a Ballad
Ballads are: at least 14 lines Stanza are 4 lines long Tell a story about at least one character Contain rhyme and rhythm May have a repeated chorus Common rhyme scheme is abcb (lines 2 and 4 of each stanza rhyme)

23 Sonnet A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines using any number of rhyme schemes. Sonnets usually have 10 syllables per line

24 Characteristics of a Sonnet
A sonnet has: - 14 lines 10 syllables per line Written in iambic pentameter : stressed and unstressed syllables No title Has a number of different rhyme schemes

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