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IN Set up your cornell notes now! Open your literature book to pg 508

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1 IN Set up your cornell notes now! Open your literature book to pg 508
Elements of Poetry IN Set up your cornell notes now! Open your literature book to pg 508

2 The repetition of sounds at the ends of words
Elements of Poetry What is rhyme? The repetition of sounds at the ends of words Ex: pool, rule, and fool

3 What is rhythm? Elements of Poetry
The beat created by the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables Ex: The cat sat on the mat. What is rhythm?

4 Elements of Poetry The use of any element of language- a sound, word, phrase, clause, or sentence- more than once What is repetition?

5 The use of words that imitate sounds
Elements of Poetry The use of words that imitate sounds Ex: Crash, bang, hiss, splat What is onomatopoeia?

6 Elements of Poetry What is alliteration?
The repetition of consonant sounds in the beginning of words (tounge twisters) Ex: Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. What is alliteration?

7 Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally
Elements of Poetry What are figures of speech/ Figurative language? Writing or speech that is not meant to be taken literally Ex: metaphor, simile, personification

8 Elements of Poetry What is a metaphor?
Describing one thing as if it were something else. Comparing two unlike things without the use of like or as. EX: The snow was a white blanket over the town What is a metaphor?

9 Elements of Poetry What is a simile?
Using like or as to compare two apparently unlike things and show similarities between the two EX: She is as slow as a turtle What is a simile?

10 Elements of Poetry Giving human qualities to something that is nonhuman. EX: The ocean crashed angrily during the storm What is personification?

11 Elements of Poetry Writing or speech that appeals to one or more of the five senses- sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. This language creates word pictures, or images to help the reader experience a poem fully. What is sensory language?

12 Elements of Poetry Poetry that tells a story in verse. Narrative poems often have elements similar to those in a short story, such as plot and characters. What is a narrative poem?

13 Elements of Poetry Poetry that expresses the thoughts and feelings of a single speaker, often in highly musical verse. What is a lyric poem?

14 Elements of Poetry Poems that are shaped to look like their subjects. The poet arranges the lines to create a picture on the page. What is a concrete poem?

15 Elements of Poetry What is a haiku poem? A three-line Japanese verse form. The first and third lines each have five syllables, and the second line has seven.

16 Elements of Poetry A humorous, rhyming, five-line poem with a specific rhythm pattern and rhyme scheme. What is a limerick?

17 Elements of Poetry Summary: Which terms are you already familiar with? Which terms don’t you know?

18 Choose 10 terms listed in your notes
Choose 10 terms listed in your notes. Use the literature book to find examples of those terms. Refer to pages to find these examples. Complete this assignment on IN42 (or 43) Include the following: Poetry Term Name of the poem The example of the term Page where you found it EX: rhyme- “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” wall, hall, all page 530

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