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1. Why was water tested in the lab (use lab handout if necessary)?

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1 1. Why was water tested in the lab (use lab handout if necessary)?
Question of the Day 10-26 1. Why was water tested in the lab (use lab handout if necessary)? Hand in lab handout

2 Natalie Gilbert Kenny Charlot Evan Mcswegan Kyle Watson
Nucleic Acids Natalie Gilbert Kenny Charlot Evan Mcswegan Kyle Watson

3 Functions of Nucleic Acids
Nucleic Acids store important information in a cell. The 2 different nucleic acids are DNA and RNA. RNA stores and transfers information that is essential for manufacturing proteins. DNA contains information that is essential for all cell activities including cell division. Green = info for test

4 Monomers Green = info for test
The monomers of nucleic acids are nucleotide which is made of 3 main components; A Phosphate group, a five-Carbon sugar, and a ring-shaped nitrogenous base. Green = info for test

5 Genes Green = info for test
A gene is a segment of DNA that is located in a chromosome and that codes a specific heredity trait. Green = info for test

6 The Functions Of.. DNA RNA Green = info for test
A deoxyribonucleic acid, the material that contains the information that determines inherited characteristics. A ribonucleic acid, a natural polymer that is present in all living cells and that plays a role in protein synthesis. Green = info for test

7 Lipids Made By: Ali Smith Chris Cayo James Harkness Nicole DeLuca

8 Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic
Hydrophobic means to have fear of water Hydrophilic means to be attracted to water The carboxyl end of the carbon chain is polar (which means its attracted to water) and the hydro-carbon end is nonpolar and tends not to interact with water molecules (hydrophobic) Lipid bilayer Green = info for test

9 What are lipids? Green = info for test
Lipids are a kind of organic compound that is insoluble in water such as fats and steroids Lipids are mostly made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms and not that much of oxygen Some examples of lipids are fats, steroids, soaps, detergent, animal fat, candle wax, cholesterol and sterol. Green = info for test

10 Lipid function this whole slide = info for test

11 Fatty acids Green = info for test
Fatty acids are unbranched carbon chains that make up lipids Saturated fatty acids have carbon atoms that are covalently bonded to four atoms – all single bonds Unsaturated fatty acids have carbon atoms that have formed double bonds within the carbon chain and are not bonded to the maximum amount of atoms to which it can bond Unsaturated fats are healthier for you. Saturated fats clog our arteries and directly raise total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels Green = info for test

12 function of wax and steroids in the body
Steroids- center of a cholesterol molecule, needed to make important substance like vitamin D = lipids Waxes - water resistant; it gives water proof layers to wherever it is; it is usually a long chain of hydrocarbons, alcohols, or esters = lipids Green = info for test

13 Triglycerides and Phospholipids
Triglycerides - chemical forms which most fat exists in food as well as in the body. It is also found in blood plasma, and could cause disease if too much is in the body. = lipids Phospholipids - fat derivatives in which one fatty acid is replaced by a phosphate group and one nitrogen-containing molecules. It is the main structural component of biological membranes Green = info for test

14 Condensation and Hydrolysis

15 Green = info for test Condensation (or dehydration) reaction?
A chemical reaction in witch two or more molecules combined to produce water or another simple molecule. Condensation- is named this because water is produced. Dehydration- is called this because your taking away the hydration. Green = info for test

16 Green = info for test

17 To create polymers…. Green = info for test
A series of condensation steps take place; whereby monomers or monomer chains add to each other to form longer chains and that is condensation polymerization. Green = info for test

18 Hydrolysis reaction A chemical reaction between water and another substance, to form two or more new substances; the reaction between water and a salt to create an acid or a base. – large molecules are broken apart Green = info for test

19 produces energy Green = info for test

20 Hydrolysis Green = info for test ATP changes into ADP,
Water is added to a molecule, The water separates one phosphate from the molecule and changes it in to ADP. Green = info for test

21 Carbohydrates By: Lauren White Allie Clowney Allan Smith
Vincent Farber Thomas Sinner

22 What are carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are an organic compound present in the cells of all living things and a major organic nutrient for humans They are composed mostly of the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Green = info for test

23 What is the monomer of a carbohydrate?
A monosaccharide is a monomer of carbohydrates. It is the simplest form of sugar and generally has no color and is water soluble. The chemical formula is CH2O Green = info for test

24 What is a monosaccharide?
A monosaccharide is a sugar (like glucose or fructose) that does not hydrolyze to give other sugars; the simplest sugars; the simplest group of carbohydrates Ex: glucose, fructose Disaccharide = the carbohydrate formed when two monosaccharide undergo a condensation reaction which involves the elimination of a small molecule, such as water, from the functional groups only. Like monosaccharide, disaccharides also dissolve in water, taste sweet in water and are called sugars. Polysaccharide- structures formed of repeating units joined together by glycoside bonds. Green = info for test

25 What are the functions of carbohydrates in animals?
They are the main energy source for the human body. Animals (including humans) break down carbs during the process of metabolism to release energy. Green = info for test

26 What are the functions of carbohydrates in plants?
Provide energy through metabolism pathways + cycles. Supply carbon for synthesis of other compounds. From structural components in cells + tissue. Store energy in the form of starch (in plants) or glycogen (in animals + humans) Green = info for test

27 Matthew Rivera, Ryan Freeman, Mariangely Onativia, Kamil K.
Protein Matthew Rivera, Ryan Freeman, Mariangely Onativia, Kamil K.

28 Functions of protein Green = info for test Gives you energy
Make enzymes which speed up chemical reactions Contractive proteins help you move Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen Green = info for test

29 Tissues proteins make up
Proteins make up muscle and collagens Green = info for test

30 Amino Acids Green = info for test
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins The function of amino acids are to build and repair muscle tissue The four basic parts of amino acids are hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen There are 20 amino acids Green = info for test

31 Peptide bonds Green = info for test
A peptide bond is a covalent bond that is formed between two molecules A polypeptide is a chain of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds and having a molecular weight of up to about 10,000 Green = info for test

32 1. What is the monomer of each biological molecule?
Determine: 1. What is the monomer of each biological molecule? 2. What two elements are most commonly found in ALL four biological molecules? 3. What is/are the function(s) of each biological molecule? Green = info for test

33 Homework Create-a-test:
- questions must be relevant and the appropriate level of difficulty - you may use one and only one from your questions of the day - use your notes - provide the correct answer - Define … does not count!

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