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Social Stratification & Social Class

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1 Social Stratification & Social Class

2 I. Social Stratification
The structured ranking of entire groups of people

3 A. Three Dimensions of Stratification
Wealth & Property Societies are typically divided into upper, middle and lower classes “Class” may be determined by income or accumulated wealth (assets).

4 A. Three Dimensions of Stratification
Power – The ability to get one’s way despite the resistance of others Not all powerful people are wealthy Power often enables people to accumulate wealth

5 A. Three Dimensions of Stratification
Prestige – Respect or recognition received from other members of society Prestige is sometimes ascribed – acquired at birth, like nobility Prestige is often linked to occupation

6 B. Explaining Social Stratification
Why are wealth, power, and prestige unequally distributed?

7 1. Functionalist Theory Stratification is necessary for society to function efficiently Some jobs are more important than others. Society rewards those who are trained for important positions.

8 Rewards are based on 3 factors:
Importance of the task Pleasantness of the task Scarcity of the talent and ability to perform the task

9 2. Conflict Theory Stratification is the result of the selfish struggle among individuals for society’s scarce rewards and resources “Elites” (CEOs) protect their self interest and exploit others

10 C. Systems of Stratification
The social mobility continuum

11 1. Closed Systems Little or no social mobility Slavery Caste system

12 2. Open Systems Individuals are able to change their class; “rags to riches”; “The American dream” Most industrialized nations have open systems of lower, working, middle and upper class individuals

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