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Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections

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1 Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections
14 Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections

2 Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are diseases spread through sexual contact One million people are infected daily U.S. has the highest rate of STIs More than half of all Americans will acquire at least one STI in their lifetime More than 25 different STIs Some are still incurable

3 Chlamydia Chlamydia is a bacterial infection spread during sex, or to a newborn baby during childbirth Most commonly reported STI Can damage reproductive system Symptoms may be mild or absent Treated with antibiotics

4 Gonorrhea Gonorrhea is a bacterial STI
700,000 new cases each year in the U.S. Causes infertility, heart damage, arthritis Blindness in children of infected mother Symptoms may include pus-like secretion and painful urination; women may not have symptoms until advanced stages Treated with antibiotics

5 Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Refers to effects of other STIs, primarily chlamydia and gonorrhea Scarring develops when STI spreads to fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries Symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting, chills, bleeding, and pain Treated with antibiotics

6 Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and Genital Warts
HPV is a group of viral STIs More than 40 strains are sexually transmitted Some cause genital warts Some lead to cancers 50% of sexually active people acquire HPV Diagnosed through abnormal Pap test Two vaccines: Gardasil and Cervarix

7 Genital Herpes Genital herpes is a viral infection by the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2 Highly contagious Typically causes blisters on the genitals, fever, swollen glands, and headaches Blood tests for HSV available Repeated outbreaks are common Incurable

8 Syphilis Syphilis is a bacterial STI Symptoms similar to many diseases
Four stages (primary, secondary, latent, last) each with different symptoms Fatal if left untreated Diagnosed by blood test Treated with antibiotics

9 Trichomoniasis Trich is caused by protozoan parasite
Some get symptoms, some don’t Most common curable STI Symptoms include: Itching or burning Redness Discharge

10 Critical Thinking

11 HIV and AIDS Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a viral STI that attacks cells of the immune system and leads to AIDS Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) includes a number of diseases that arise when the body’s immune system is compromised by HIV

12 HIV and AIDS (cont’d.) HIV is a progressive infection
Incubation period up to 10 years before symptoms appear Early symptoms include unexplained weight loss, fatigue, fever, swollen lymph glands Can cause neurological abnormalities Death results from inability to fight off opportunistic infections HIV is incurable

13 HIV and AIDS (cont’d.) HIV transmission routes
Blood Sexual contact Hypodermic needles Mother to child Diagnosis: by HIV antibody test, at least three months after suspected infection New therapies are preventing AIDS from developing in many HIV-infected individuals

14 HIV Transmission Figure Adults and adolescents living with diagnosed HIV infection, by gender and transmission category, year-end 2010—United States and six U.S. dependent areas.

15 Risky Behaviors People do not get HIV because of who they are but because of what they do Having any type of unprotected sex Improper use of condoms Anal intercourse Sharing hypodermic needles or other drug paraphernalia

16 HIV and AIDS (cont’d.) Myths about transmission
Not through perspiration Not through casual contact Not from insects Not from animals Risk from health-care professionals is almost nil

17 Wise Dating Those who seek sex partners over the Internet are at greater risk As long as you avoid sexual activity and don’t share drug needles, you are not at risk for contracting HIV About 33.3 million people are infected with HIV In the U.S., 25% are unaware of the infection Women are increasingly affected Spreading faster among heterosexuals 80% of deaths are 25 to 49 years old

18 AIDS Diagnoses, Deaths, and Persons Living with AIDS
Figure AIDS diagnoses, deaths, and persons living with AIDS, —United States and six U.S. dependent areas.

19 HIV Testing Persons at high risk for infection should be tested annually Call your local Public Health Department or AIDS Information Service Testing results are confidential

20 HIV Treatment AIDS has no known cure, and no vaccine
Antiretroviral drugs can delay the progress of HIV infection and prevent some people from developing AIDS Drugs are usually used in combinations called highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART)

21 STI Hotlines National AIDS Hotline: CDC-INFO ( ) in English and Spanish National AIDS Hotline for the hearing impaired (TTY): STI Hotline: Information on local testing facilities is available online at

22 Guidelines for Preventing STIs
The best prevention technique is a mutually monogamous sexual relationship Don’t let peers pressure you into having sex Decide on your course of action before you get into an intimate situation

23 Reducing Risk for HIV and STIs
Wait for a monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner Practice safer sex every time Use “barrier” methods of contraception Know your partner and limit sexual relationships Don’t have sex with prostitutes Determine conditions when you will allow sex Plan before you get into a sexual situation Negotiate safer sex

24 Reducing Risk for HIV and STIs (cont’d.)
Have periodic physical checkups Avoid sex with anyone who has had sex with a person at risk for HIV If you do have sex, avoid exchanging body fluids Don’t share toothbrushes, razors, or other personal implements Check your partner for signs of infection If you have an infection, abstain from sex Wear loose-fitting clothes

25 Reducing Risk for HIV and STIs (cont’d.)
Abstain from sexual relations if you have any kind of an illness or disease Wash thoroughly and immediately after sexual activity Be cautious of procedures in which sharp instruments may be reused (such as acupuncture, tattooing, and ear piercing) With artificial insemination, make sure donors are tested For surgery, consider donating your own blood

26 Assess Yourself Do you believe that a mutually monogamous sexual relationship is the best way to prevent STIs? If not, do you always take precautions to practice safer sex? Do you understand the following concepts? The most common STIs Health consequences of STIs Difference between HIV and AIDS Prevention of STIs

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