Classroom Procedures Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Stay seated until.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Procedures Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Stay seated until."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Procedures Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Class is BELL to BELL. I dismiss the class, not the bell. Stay seated until I have dismissed the class. Stay seated until I have dismissed the class. When you come into class, immediately begin bell work. When you come into class, immediately begin bell work. Bell work will be on the board, screen, or on the table when you come in. (EVERYDAY) Bell work will be on the board, screen, or on the table when you come in. (EVERYDAY) Daily class time can be any of the following, or a combination of several. Daily class time can be any of the following, or a combination of several. Lecture Lecture Discussion/Debate Discussion/Debate Film & Discussion Film & Discussion Cooperative work (group work) Cooperative work (group work) We only have 45 minutes, and I use ALL 45 minutes of class. We only have 45 minutes, and I use ALL 45 minutes of class.

2 Absence Procedures It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, to get work that you have missed because of an absence. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, to get work that you have missed because of an absence. Make up work is in the designated area. Immediately on your return get with someone and get your work missed. Make up work is in the designated area. Immediately on your return get with someone and get your work missed. DO NOT ASK ME DURING CLASS WHAT YOU MISSED. Come before or after school. DO NOT ASK ME DURING CLASS WHAT YOU MISSED. Come before or after school. If your absence is because of school business (sports, band, choir, etc) whatever is due that day, IT IS STILL DUE THAT DAY. If your absence is because of school business (sports, band, choir, etc) whatever is due that day, IT IS STILL DUE THAT DAY. Turn it in to my box in the front office before leaving on school business. Turn it in to my box in the front office before leaving on school business.

3 Absence Procedures You have 1 day per day missed to make up work. You have 1 day per day missed to make up work. If you missed a test, you will take the test immediately on return. If you missed a test, you will take the test immediately on return. If you are absent on the day a project is due, the absence must be because of a doctor’s appointment. If you are absent on the day a project is due, the absence must be because of a doctor’s appointment. No credit will be given for projects that are late. No credit will be given for projects that are late. If it is a family emergency, I need a phone call from your parent, ASAP, and will make decisions on a case by case basis. If it is a family emergency, I need a phone call from your parent, ASAP, and will make decisions on a case by case basis.

4 Homework & Daily Work Procedures in Academic classes 100% possible credit when turned in on time. 100% possible credit when turned in on time. 70% possible credit when turned in WITHIN ONE WEEK OF BEING ISSUED A PROGRESS REPORT FOR THAT GRADE. 70% possible credit when turned in WITHIN ONE WEEK OF BEING ISSUED A PROGRESS REPORT FOR THAT GRADE. 0% after that week. No excuses! 0% after that week. No excuses! Pre AP sections, no late work is tolerated. Period. All late work will be marked as NTI (Not Turned In). Pre AP sections, no late work is tolerated. Period. All late work will be marked as NTI (Not Turned In).

5 Homework EVERY Monday you will be given a homework assignment that is due that Friday. It will be graded usually as the warm up activity the Friday it is due. EVERY Monday you will be given a homework assignment that is due that Friday. It will be graded usually as the warm up activity the Friday it is due. It is YOUR responsibility to get this work done and turned in on time. It is YOUR responsibility to get this work done and turned in on time. They WILL impact your 9 week grade. They WILL impact your 9 week grade. Sometimes you will be given time on Monday to start your homework, but do not rely on that to get it done. Sometimes you will be given time on Monday to start your homework, but do not rely on that to get it done. Most homework assignments will take you no more than 20 – 30 minutes. Most homework assignments will take you no more than 20 – 30 minutes. BE RESPONSIBLE, GET THE WORK DONE! BE RESPONSIBLE, GET THE WORK DONE!

6 Grading Procedures in Academic Classes Daily Grades (50%) Daily Grades (50%) homework, quizzes, bell work, participation, or other academic activities Major Grades (35%) Major Grades (35%) Nine Weeks EXAM/CBA(15%) Nine Weeks EXAM/CBA(15%) I usually have around 20 grades per 9 weeks. I usually have around 20 grades per 9 weeks.

7 Grading Procedures in Pre-AP Classes Major Grades(45%) Major Grades(45%) Daily Grades(40%) Daily Grades(40%) Nine Weeks CBA(15%) Nine Weeks CBA(15%) I usually have around 20 grades per 9 weeks. I usually have around 20 grades per 9 weeks.

8 Grading Procedures A = 90 and above A = 90 and above B = 80 to 89 B = 80 to 89 C = 75 to 79 C = 75 to 79 D = 70 to 74 D = 70 to 74 Below 70 is failing. Below 70 is failing. Remember, no pass no play!!! Remember, no pass no play!!! Total Score = average of Semester 1 (semester average 85% + final 15%) + Semester 2 (semester average 85% + final 15%) Total Score = average of Semester 1 (semester average 85% + final 15%) + Semester 2 (semester average 85% + final 15%) Remember we are on a 9 week calendar! Only TWO grading periods per semester!!! Remember we are on a 9 week calendar! Only TWO grading periods per semester!!!

9 SUPPLIES NEEDED FOR CLASS Pen (BLACK AND BLUE ONLY) Pen (BLACK AND BLUE ONLY) Pencils Pencils 12 pk, Crayola Map Pencils (I use the same in class, so your maps will match in color.) THESE STAY AT HOME, I HAVE THEM FOR YOU IN CLASS! 12 pk, Crayola Map Pencils (I use the same in class, so your maps will match in color.) THESE STAY AT HOME, I HAVE THEM FOR YOU IN CLASS! 1 inch 3 rings binder with dividers 1 inch 3 rings binder with dividers Notebook paper. Notebook paper. IT IS A CLASSROOM RULE TO BRING PROPER MATERIAL TO CLASS, AND CAN RESULT IN A DISCIPLINE REFERRAL IF THIS BECOMES A DAILY PROBLEM. YOUR POCKET is not an appropriate place for your homework. IT IS A CLASSROOM RULE TO BRING PROPER MATERIAL TO CLASS, AND CAN RESULT IN A DISCIPLINE REFERRAL IF THIS BECOMES A DAILY PROBLEM. YOUR POCKET is not an appropriate place for your homework. You can leave your binder in class each day. You can leave your binder in class each day.


11 Expectations Be on time to class. (Take care of restroom, and water on your way to class, once the tardy bell has rung, no one leaves unless summoned by an AP or front office.) Be on time to class. (Take care of restroom, and water on your way to class, once the tardy bell has rung, no one leaves unless summoned by an AP or front office.) Sit in assigned seat, unless permission has been given to sit someplace else. Sit in assigned seat, unless permission has been given to sit someplace else. Have all assignments and tools needed for class each day. Have all assignments and tools needed for class each day. During discussions and lectures, listen respectfully. Respect other’s opinions. During discussions and lectures, listen respectfully. Respect other’s opinions. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself. Do not touch ANY equipment unless permission has been given by the teacher. Do not touch ANY equipment unless permission has been given by the teacher. All rules listed in handbook are to be followed as written. All rules listed in handbook are to be followed as written. When I have a substitute in class, you are to follow these rules as if I were in the room. If a note is written by the substitute that describes problems with the class and your name is mentioned, it will be an automatic referral. You can talk it over with your AP!!! When I have a substitute in class, you are to follow these rules as if I were in the room. If a note is written by the substitute that describes problems with the class and your name is mentioned, it will be an automatic referral. You can talk it over with your AP!!!

12 Consequences Warning (unless a Level II and up, then Discipline Referral is written) Warning (unless a Level II and up, then Discipline Referral is written) Letter home to parent/guardian. Letter home to parent/guardian. Immediate Discipline Referral is written. Immediate Discipline Referral is written. NOTE: In regards to when a substitute is present, ANY rules broken will result in an automatic referral to the AP. NOTE: In regards to when a substitute is present, ANY rules broken will result in an automatic referral to the AP.


14 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Graduation Requirements The graduation requirements differ for the three high school programs in which Texas students may enroll. The three programs are the Minimum High School Program (MHSP), the Recommended High School Program (RHSP), and the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP). The graduation requirements differ for the three high school programs in which Texas students may enroll. The three programs are the Minimum High School Program (MHSP), the Recommended High School Program (RHSP), and the Distinguished Achievement Program (DAP).

15 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Graduation Requirements Applies to all programs Applies to all programs Student is required to achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of STAAR EOC assessments required in a content area and the scale score that indicates Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance. Student is required to achieve a cumulative score that is at least equal to the product of the number of STAAR EOC assessments required in a content area and the scale score that indicates Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance. Student must achieve a minimum within a reasonable range of the Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance standard, in order for the score to count towards the student’s cumulative score. Student must achieve a minimum within a reasonable range of the Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance standard, in order for the score to count towards the student’s cumulative score. A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each STAAR EOC assessment the student is required to take for graduation purposes. A student’s cumulative score is determined using the student’s highest score on each STAAR EOC assessment the student is required to take for graduation purposes.

16 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Graduation Requirements RHSP RHSP English I reading, English II reading, English III reading English I reading, English II reading, English III reading English I writing, English II writing, English III writing English I writing, English II writing, English III writing Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II biology, chemistry, physics biology, chemistry, physics world geography, world history, U.S. history world geography, world history, U.S. history Student must take all 15 STAAR EOC assessments. Student must take all 15 STAAR EOC assessments. In addition to the cumulative score requirements, a student must meet or exceed the Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance standards for the STAAR English III reading, English III writing, and Algebra II assessments. In addition to the cumulative score requirements, a student must meet or exceed the Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance standards for the STAAR English III reading, English III writing, and Algebra II assessments.

17 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Graduation Requirements DAP DAP English I reading, English II reading, English III reading English I reading, English II reading, English III reading English I writing, English II writing, English III writing English I writing, English II writing, English III writing Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II biology, chemistry, physics biology, chemistry, physics world geography, world history, U.S. history world geography, world history, U.S. history Student must take all 15 STAAR EOC assessments. Student must take all 15 STAAR EOC assessments. In addition to the cumulative score requirements, a student must meet or exceed the Level III: Advanced Academic Performance standards for the STAAR English III reading, English III writing, and Algebra II assessments. In addition to the cumulative score requirements, a student must meet or exceed the Level III: Advanced Academic Performance standards for the STAAR English III reading, English III writing, and Algebra II assessments.

18 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Graduation Requirements Level II Cut Score 2012-2013 Level II Cut Score 2012-2013 1875 for English 1875 for English 3500 for mathematics, science, and social studies 3500 for mathematics, science, and social studies Level III Cut Score 2012-2013 Level III Cut Score 2012-2013 2135 on English reading. 2135 on English reading. 2155 on English writing. 2155 on English writing. 4080 on Algebra, Biology & World Geography. 4080 on Algebra, Biology & World Geography.

19 High School starts now! Everything you do starting today will impact your final GPA, your chances to graduate on time, your class rank, your chances at a scholarship, your ability to go to college or to attend the college of your choice. Everything you do starting today will impact your final GPA, your chances to graduate on time, your class rank, your chances at a scholarship, your ability to go to college or to attend the college of your choice. Start Now!!! Tomorrow is to late… Start Now!!! Tomorrow is to late…

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