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Algebra 1 Classroom Policy. Materials Textbook (book-cover required) Three ring binder Pencils Dividers (5) Loose leaf notebook paper Scientific calculator.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 1 Classroom Policy. Materials Textbook (book-cover required) Three ring binder Pencils Dividers (5) Loose leaf notebook paper Scientific calculator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 1 Classroom Policy

2 Materials Textbook (book-cover required) Three ring binder Pencils Dividers (5) Loose leaf notebook paper Scientific calculator

3 Grading Scale 93-100…………….A 84-92……….….….B 75-83…….………..C 65-74……..…….…D Below 64….………F

4 Grading Grades are computed on a total point basis. Grade percent = total points earned total possible points

5 Grading Policy Your nine-week grade will consist of the following: Tests Quizzes Homework Assignments Notebook Class Activities/Projects

6 Tests Test scores will comprise the largest percentage of your grade Tests will be given 2-3 times per 9-weeks

7 Quizzes Quizzes will be announced and unannounced Points assigned will vary

8 Homework Homework will consist of problems from the textbook or worksheets. Homework is due at the beginning of class. Homework is worth 2 points unless otherwise specified. Homework is to be done on loose leaf notebook paper and placed in your notebook.

9 Use PENCIL ONLY!! SHOW ALL WORK, and please clearly indicate the solution. Failure to show your work will result in no credit for the assignment. Assignments must be submitted on time, unless you are absent. If you are absent, you are still responsible for the missed assignment.

10 Notebook Guidelines Your notebook must be divided into 5 sections: Study Guides Review of the Day Homework from the Book Worksheets PSSA Review Your notebook must include the following: Syllabus Grade sheet Notebook – 50 points

11 Discipline Be Prompt Be Prepared Be Polite Participate

12 Classroom Conduct Only one person speaks at a time. Raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment. Treat equipment, books etc. with respect. Class begins at the bell – you should be seated and prepared. Class ends with me – I will dismiss you. No eating or drinking in class. Follow all school rules.

13 Consequences: Verbal Warning Phone Call or Letter Home to Parent Referral to Principal’s Office Rewards: Verbal praise. Positive notes and phone calls home.

14 Extra Help This year I will be available during my plan which is 2 nd period. Please do not hesitate to ask for help. I want you to succeed in this class!

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