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Sociology Unit 1 Practice Test

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1 Sociology Unit 1 Practice Test
30 Questions: Multiple Choice, True/False And Matching

2 Question 1 The idea of the Sociological Imagination focusing on how we impact society and how society impacts us is credited to who? Auguste Comte C. Wright Mills Herbert Spencer Charles Horton Cooley

3 Question 2 Who is considered to be the Father of Sociology? Karl Marx
Herbert Spencer Charles Horton Cooley Auguste Comte

4 Question 3 The concept of VERSTEHEN, developed by Max Weber, means
Finding meaning in the actions of others Using science to understand groups Taking your own prior experience and applying it to a new one Balancing individual needs with expectations of society

5 Question 4 This individual is credited with establishing the first significant study in Sociology looking at the topic of suicide. George Herbert Mead Herbert Spencer Emile Durkheim Jane Addams

6 Question 5 Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead and Erving Goffman are connected with which theory? Functionalist Conflict Interactionist

7 Question 6 An element of society that has the function of disrupting social stability is called what? Manifest Function Latent Function Dysfunction

8 Question 7 Which method is considered the MOST accurate for Sociological Research? Survey Statistical Observation Content Analysis

9 Question 8 A group selected for a study where every individual has the same chance of being chosen is an example of a a. Varied Sample b. Scale c. Random Sample d. Representative Sample

10 Question 9 The Independent Variable in an experiment is a. The effect of random chance on the results b. The most important variable the experimenter could not control c. The variable the experimenter manipulates to view its affect on the dependent variable d. The only variable measured as a part of Sociological research

11 Question 10 Taking an abstract concept in a study and making it specific enough to research is called what? Operational Definition Empirical Research Defining Principles Correlating Concepts

12 Question 11 If those who watch a lot of TV violence are also particularly likely to behave aggressively, this would NOT necessarily indicate that watching TV violence causes aggressive behavior because a. Correlation does not prove Causation b. Events often seem more probable in hindsight c. Random sequences often don’t look random d. Sampling extreme cases leads to false generalizations

13 Question 12 If researchers discover that receiving more sleep is connected with doing better in school, this would indicate that sleep and performance in school are… a. Causally related b. Dependent variables c. Positively correlated d. Negatively correlated

14 Questions 13-15 Match the Perspective to the description.
13. Functionalist 14. Conflict 15. Interactionist Identifies groups based on power and authority; everything in society is controlled by this Asks the question of what is the purpose of this element in society; nonjudgmental of element Focuses on individual relationships between people and symbols; uses Microsociology to understand Macrosociology

15 Answer Key B D A C

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