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Sentinel High School English 3/4 Room # 153 Ms. Woodahl.

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2 Sentinel High School English 3/4 Room # 153 Ms. Woodahl

3 Welcome Back! Bellwork Please start by writing 2 truths about yourself that people may not know And in your list create a third that is a lie (make sure it is not obvious)! In an effort to get to know you, the class will guess which one is a lie.

4 General School Information Principal: Mr. Tom Blakely Assistant Principal for Junior and Seniors: Mrs. Libby Oliver Assistant Principal for freshman discipline: Mr. Brian Fortman

5 Bell Schedule Monday, Tuesday, & Friday 1 st Period7:55-8:45 2 nd Period8:50-9:40 3 rd Period9:45-10:35 4 th Period10:40-11:30 LUNCH11:30-12:15 5 th Period12:20-1:10 6 th Period1:15-2:05 7 th Period2:10-3:00

6 Block Schedule Wednesday 1 st Period7:55-9:25 3 rd Period9:35-11:05 Lunch11:05-11:45 5 th Period11:50-1:20 7 th Period1:30-3:00

7 Block Schedule Thursday 2 nd Period7:55-9:25 SSR9:35-10:00 4 th Period10:05-11:35 LUNCH11:35-12:20 6 th Period12:25-1:55 EARLY OUT

8 English 3-4 -Bellwork 10% -Class Assignments 20% -Homework 20% -Quizzes 20% -Personal Reading Goals 10% -Tests 10% -Final Exam 10%

9 Grade book setup Formative Assessments: 50% Homework, Classwork, Bellwork, Participation Summative Assessments: 50% Tests, quizzes, reading tests, reading goals, essays, projects

10 Grading System 100-90%A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D 0-59%F

11 Tutoring Hours Tuesday 7:00 am – 7:40 am 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm Wednesday 7:00 am– 7:40 am 3:00pm – 4:00 pm Thursday 11:45-12:20

12 Every Day Supplies No Exceptions… Three Ring Binder with at least 3 sections for Bellwork, Class Assignments, and Homework Composition Book (can be left in class) Loose-leaf paper for notes Pencils or Pens Library Book Highlighter & colored pencils (optional)

13 Academic Expectations Complete daily bell work within 5 minutes silently Actively Read a personal novel for 20 minutes at home every day I don’t know is not an acceptable answer!Be present and participate whenever called on and take all class notes. I don’t know is not an acceptable answer! Complete class work and homework by assigned deadline Maintain an organized binder

14 Absences and Work If you are absent, you are responsible to make up the work before school, at lunch, or after school…not during class. ‘You only have two days after your absence to make up missing work

15 Tardy If you are not in your seat working when the bell rings you will be marked tardy, even if I am out of the room. If you are not in the class by the by the time the bell rings, you are considered tardy and must get a pass from the attendance office. If you are more than 5 minutes late you will be marked absent. *YOU MAY BE ASKED TO STAY AFTER CLASS TO MAKE UP TIME

16 Discipline Goal No student will keep any teacher from teaching or any student from learning.

17 Toothpaste Challenge Each team will get a small travel size of toothpaste. 1)Each team will squeeze all of the toothpaste out onto a paper plate 2) Your challenge will be to get all the toothpaste back in the tube using ONLY a toothpick. No fingers, or other tools

18 Toothpaste Challenge IT DOESN’T WORK! Once we say an unkind, disrespectful word we can’t put it back in our mouth and take it back. Toothpaste is like words we speak. Once we say an unkind, disrespectful word we can’t put it back in our mouth and take it back. The damage has been done.

19 Class Rules 1.Arrive ready to learn and participate. 2.Follow directions at all times 3.Respect Others 4.Use appropriate language 5.Never give up! EVER!

20 Consequences 1.Verbal Warning 2.Reflection Form at back desk or hallway 3.Stay after class 4.Lunch or after school detention & call or email home to parents about behavior 5. Referral to office

21 Procedures Pick up your bellwork and sit down, even if I am not present yet. If you are tardy go to attendance and get a pass One restroom pass per period per day No one leaves the first or last 15 minutes of class or while the teacher is lecturing. If you wish to speak, raise your hand.

22 PROCEDURES CONTINUED No talking during announcements Students will not be dismissed if the room is messy, or students are noisy Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. Pack up before being dismissed and you will be kept after.

23 Those first 5 minutes… Enter Silently and immediately begin bell work Do not socialize before the tardy bell…. You must be in your seat working within 5 seconds of the tardy bell or you will be marked tardy If you are not in your assigned seat you may be marked absent

24 Let’s Practice Everyone will quietly exit the room Everyone will re-enter silently picking up bellwork from the correct basket and finding their seat You have 1 minute and 30 seconds Go!

25 Questions?Questions?

26 Class Big Goals ALL students will improve their reading by 1.5 grade levels by the end of the school year. ALL students will score an 80% or better in their grammar/writing post exam.

27 Reading Homework In order to assist in reaching our BIG GOAL, students will be reading 20 minutes a night at home (60 min/week) Your progress will be checked weekly and points will be awarded for keeping your reading log updated. You will be tested quarterly to track progress.

28 Reading Homework You should read books at or above your reading level in order to improve. Your reading scores must improve.5 every 12 weeks in order to reach the goal of 1.5 years of growth. (if your not reading at grade level every day…this won’t happen.)

29 FaKebook Autobiography 1.Basics: a. Name, age, birth place b. Family members c. Where were you raised? 2.Education/Hobbies a. Favorite subjects and teachers b. Favorite hobbies or sports c. Favorite books and movies 3.Goals and Interests a. What are your goals for high school and after you graduate? b. What are your goals for this school year?

30 Homework Due on or before Tuesday… Signed Syllabus/Expectations Sheet Silent Reading Book Class materials Class FaKebook Autobiography Sheet

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