Cantabria 2011 Year 8 Sunday 6 th March to Saturday 12 th march.

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Presentation on theme: "Cantabria 2011 Year 8 Sunday 6 th March to Saturday 12 th march."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cantabria 2011 Year 8 Sunday 6 th March to Saturday 12 th march

2 Cantabria 2011 Year 9 Sunday 13 th March to Saturday 19 th march

3 Journey Details Year 8 Sunday 6th of march 12.00 arrive at school 13.30 depart from school 16.20 check in at Dover 17.20 ferry departs 19:50 arrive at Calais Your child does NOT need to wear her school uniform!

4 Journey Details Year 9 Sunday 13th of march 12.00 arrive at school 13.30 depart from school 16.20 check in at Dover 17.20 ferry departs 19:50 arrive at Calais Your child does NOT need to wear her school uniform!

5 Cantabria

6 We will be based in: Santillana del Mar

7 Journey Details Year 8 Sunday 6th of march 12.00 arrive at school 13.30 depart from school 16.20 check in at Dover 17.20 ferry departs 19:50 arrive at Calais Your child does NOT need to wear her school uniform!

8 Monday 16:00 arrive at Hotel in Santillana del Mar Rest of the day to settle in and relax after long journey.

9 Tuesday Full day Cable car excursion (Fuente Dé. Picos de Europa) with tour guide Breakfast and packed lunch included

10 Wednesday Altamira caves +workshopAltamira caves +workshop Breakfast and packed lunch included Coach leaves hotel at 10.00 2 nd half of the day: trip to typical Spanish town Comillas

11 Thursday Am: Safari at the Cabarceno Nature Park The cost is £6.20 per person Pm: City trail in Santander

12 Friday: Breakfast and packed lunch included Day of relax in the hotel 18.00 departure

13 Saturday: 15:00 check in at Calais 16:00 Crossing 16:30 arrival at Dover 18:30 arrive at school

14 Rooms for students are 2-4 bedded, some using bunks.Rooms for students are 2-4 bedded, some using bunks. All rooms have private facilities, heating…All rooms have private facilities, heating… Direct dial telephone.Direct dial telephone. Accommodation –

15 Health and Safety “A safe child is a happy child. “A safe child is a happy child. ” The Health & Safety standards in the hotel are entirely in line with European/British/DCSF guidelines. Everything has been prepared so that your child has a safe & happy experience.

16 Food ”A menu is provided which suits children’s needs but also encourages them to try new things, developing their taste buds. ” Breakfast and packed lunch will be included Evening meals are included

17 Food Please Note: The first meal of the trip will be dinner on Monday evening. Please make sure that pupils have a packed lunch for the outward journey on Monday or money to buy lunch in Santillana del Mar.

18 What to BringEssential What to Bring - Essential Clothing for 5 days (and prepared for all weathers!): t-shirts shirts jumper/sweatshirt jeans, trousers/skirts shorts underwear and socks comfortable shoes/trainers (N.B. flip-flops are NOT suitable for sight-seeing) a light jacket Other beach towel pen any medication sunglasses Toiletries  towel  shower gel/soap/shampoo  deodorant  toothbrush and toothpaste  other items as required (eg contact lenses, tampons)  sun-cream  plastic bag for dirty washing One suitcase/bag labelled with child’s name and address. One secure small rucksack for use during the day

19 camera* mobile phone + charger* personal stereos* reading books/magazines/playing cards watch* adaptor (European 2-pin plug) * All items brought at pupils’ own risk. The school will not be held responsible for loss/theft of any personal items. NOT PERMITTED hand-held computer games (eg PSPs) No laptops What to BringOptional What to Bring - Optional

20 Mobile Phones If your child wishes to bring their mobile phone, please make sure that it can be used when abroad (some pay-as-you-go tariffs do not allow this) and that there is enough credit. They will also need their charger and adaptor. Remember, calls and texts to and from Europe can be very expensive!

21 Medication and Sun Cream Staff will have the list of all medical and dietary requirements as completed by parents/carers with them. Teachers will keep any medicines brought on the trip by pupils. All medicines should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and dosage and times medication should be taken. Teachers are not permitted to dispense any medication so all children should be made aware of how and when to take their medication by their parent/carer, before the trip. They must also be advised regarding the application of sun cream as again teachers are not permitted to do this. Please make sure that your child has an adequate amount of any medication needed, with extra if possible. If your child needs an inhaler, please give them one to carry with them and a spare for the group leader to carry. If travel sickness tablets are needed, please take them in good time!

22 Spending Money 40 eurosWe recommend 40 euros in total Money should be changed into euros before we leave and given to the relevant group leader to look after. Please divide the total into 4, and put into separate envelopes (one per day: Tues - Fri) clearly labelled with your child’s name (e.g. €10 per day in one envelope). There will be no facility to change money from pounds to euros during the trip.

23 Workbooks Pupils will each be provided with the Spanish Language Detective Workbook 2 These workbooks are set to National curriculum levels 3-6 Pupils will be expected to complete a diary of what they have seen and done each day.

24 Safety and Behaviour Pickpockets When out during the day, pupils need to be aware that pickpockets operate, particularly in the main tourist areas. Wallets and purses should be kept in inside pockets and other valuable items should only be taken out if necessary. Bags should be kept hold of and kept closed at all times.

25 During the day Each pupil must... listen quietly to instructions behave appropriately remain in their groups never be in a group of less than 3

26 During the day In their backpack they MUST have a bottle of water Emergency info card daily amount of money sun cream diary pen

27 During the evening Each pupil must... write up his/her diary be ready for lights out by 10.00pm respect the privacy and needs of other guests allow teachers some quiet time every evening! Please note Movement between rooms is not allowed: this is to protect the personal safety of pupils and that of their belongings.

28 In the Hotel Room Captain Room Captain: must do Room check each morning all beds are made all clothes put away towels hung up any rubbish in bins

29 Serious offences It is NOT acceptable to bring or purchase: cigarettes alcohol/illegal substances dangerous items (e.g. Swiss army knives / scissors / laser pens / fireworks) Any damages to the hotel property will result in a fine of € 300. Breaches of the rules will result in parents/carers having to collect pupils and escort them back to UK

30 Return to School – Saturday 19 th March We arrive back at school at 18:30pm Saturday Please ensure your child knows who will be collecting them and that they also have the contact number for that person.

31 Emergency Contact In the first instance, any contact should be made via school. The Leadership Team will have contact numbers for the group in Cantabria and the travel company in the UK. During out-of-school hours, parents/carers should call the Please note that this number should only be used in an emergency.

32 Passports Students MUST bring their passports. Please note that children will not be allowed to travel without their passport. Passports will be returned to pupils either on the return journey or early the following week at school.

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