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Kingswood 2015. Adults going this year!  Mrs. Horner  Mrs. Ezard  Mrs. Baxter  Mr. Kynman.

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Presentation on theme: "Kingswood 2015. Adults going this year!  Mrs. Horner  Mrs. Ezard  Mrs. Baxter  Mr. Kynman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kingswood 2015


3 Adults going this year!  Mrs. Horner  Mrs. Ezard  Mrs. Baxter  Mr. Kynman

4 Time Table  The bus leaves school at 10:00am on Monday 11 th May and arrives (depending on traffic) at Kingwood Centre at approximately 12:00pm.  The children will need to take with them a packed lunch in a throw away bag.  The bus leaves for home on Wednesday 13 th at 1:00pm arriving home around 3:30/4:00pm

5 What to bring  Warm and waterproof clothing. Many activities require (i.e. climbing, quads) students to wear long trousers and long- sleeved tops.  Clothing and shoes worn during Adventure Activities will inevitably get very dirty and sometimes wet. We recommend that students bring old, comfortable clothing suitable for wet weather for day wear and a spare pair of old trainers or plimsolls.

6 What to bring  It is advisable to bring some trousers that are not jeans. Jeans do not keep you warm, and are very heavy and uncomfortable when wet.  All, clothing, shoes and other belongings should have name tags.  Clothes for disco  One suitcase or holdall per person.

7 Packing List Essential Items  Toiletries etc.  Pair of shorts  Activity Clothes (Old & no problem getting muddy, inc. long- sleeved shirts/t-shirts & suitable trousers) Water proof clothing (Jacket and /or trousers)

8 Packing List  Sturdy shoes or wellingtons  Pair of old trainers for activities  Large plastic bag for dirty clothes  Gloves, hat, scarf  1 Bath towel  Sunglasses & suncream! (Providing there is sun!)

9 What not to bring  Mobiles phones  Expensive cameras  Electronic games, or any stereo players (including personals)  Expensive or favourite clothing or shoes  A massive suitcase!

10 Money  The Centre has a shop where they sell, among other things, postcards, souvenirs, disposable cameras, Kingswood T-shirts, caps, badges, ice creams, sweets and drinks.  As a guideline we recommend £5-10

11 Accommodation  Girls and boys will be on different floors  Two adults will be on each floor  The site is very secure and has security CCTV

12 Food  3 meals a day  Refreshment breaks between activities.  Sweets/Snacks

13 Medicine  All medicines must be clearly labelled with the dosage amount clearly written.  Medicines should be given to Mrs. Horner on the morning of departure and a permission form must be filled out.

14 Emergency Contact Information  In office hours, phone or email the school  After hours phone the Kingswood centre directly.

15 Questions ?

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