PMO Advisors, LLC PMO Advisor © Release 2.1
The PMO Advisor Portal The PMO Advisor is a gateway to Project Management tools. This portal has two primary components: The Training section provides the user the opportunity to use the Advisor as a tool to train in project management methodology and practices, and become familiar with the project portal. The Project section is the actual Advisor tool to be used in managing projects. On the Home page, you can access the project management processes, knowledge and training modules in PM methodology, and a synopsis of the latest enhancements to the Advisor. Under the phase icons, you have the option of toggling on/off the description of the phase, process or step if you are an experienced user. From this page, you can create new projects, or review and update existing projects.
Portal Entry Page The Portal is split into two portion, the PMO Advisor Training, and the PMO Advisor Projects Area At the top there are three icons; going from left to right: The first icon is for the Projects section, where the user works with their own projects The second icon is for the Training (Advisor) section, which provides the user step-by-step education on the functions within the site. The third icon is to logoff the portal
Projects Start Page The Projects Start Page covers two areas - Navigation and Overview Navigation This is where the user creates new projects and navigates to existing projects Overview This is a high level overview of the functions within the portal with specific emphasis on the Project navigation
Creating A New Project To create a new project: Click on the + sign on the Projects bar in the previous page, then this screen appear Enter the new Project Name and click on create The next screen you will see is the bottom screen
Navigation Navigation through the processes and procedures within the portal is accomplished through two primary methods: At the very top, just below the three icon is a dropdown toolbar. This is the global navigation that allow the user to navigate across all the areas Below the toolbar there are buttons which allows the user to navigate between the phases in the Process area, and into the Advance User Mode
Projects Home Page The Project Home Page structure The Toolbar is divided into three areas Process Portfolio Management Knowledge and Training Additionally there are other buttons Home What’s New Site Map Below the Toolbar there are five buttons Four Buttons for the Phases and a fifth for the Advance Users
The Process Area The Process Area is where the Project Manager will be performing most their work: It is divided into the five phases of a Project Lifecycle in accordance with the PMBOK framework. The PMO Advisor combines Executing and Controlling phases
Phase Navigation The User has two ways to navigate through the phases; First through the dropdown menu All the dropdown have a link to their affiliated templates Second through the navigation buttons
Step-by-Step Page By clicking on any of the sub-phase templates the step-by-step page appears: First, explains the purpose of the template Second, the entrance criteria Third, the step-by-step approach to the process Then the Exit Criteria Next, the Quality Records, Controlled Documents, and the Metrics Finally, the link to the Template, Instruction, and any Samples
Template Download Templates can be edited by downloading them to your PC Click on the template you want to use The Advisor take you to the Download / Upload Page Click on the Document link and Open the template and make your changes
Template Upload Completed templates can be returned to the repository within the portal Save the file to a working area on your local machine Using the Browse button find your downloaded document Once the document is found, click Upload Modified Document to save it to the repository After you upload the template, anytime you click on the template link it will retrieve your modified template
Advance Users Advanced Users Instead of going through the detailed phase and the step-by-step process, Advanced Users can select the specific template they need from the Template Matrix If they need to go to the step-by-step process, the third column in the matrix links to that activity The matrix also shows the last date any template was modified
Portfolio Management Portfolio Management has all the templates needed for management review and approval of enterprise projects including: Portfolio Status Report Governance Model Process Maps Other Governing Documents Along with their step-by-step approach
Knowledge and Training Knowledge and Training is where a user or an enterprise would go to help enhance their PM Knowledge: Training modules included in the portal are: PM Methodology MS Project Training Configuration Management Training PM Terms Glossary These modules provide PM training from basic concepts to advanced topics, and can be referred to as necessary