Bellwork What does it mean to be neglected?.


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Presentation transcript:

Bellwork What does it mean to be neglected?

Objectives Define salutary neglect & explain how it affected the colonies Define mercantilism & explain how triangular trade & the Navigation Acts relate to it

England & Colonial America Salutary Neglect: English policy of leaving the colonies to develop on their own. The main goal of England: To make money

Mercantilism Economic policy that states colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country

Mercantilism Economic idea Mother Country Raw Materials & Gold/Silver Finished Products Colony

Navigation Acts Mercantilism laws to limit Colonial trade All trade must be done on British boats Colonies could only trade with Britain Leads to smuggling Mercantilism

Triangular Trade England Colonies Africa Middle Passage

French & Indian War (1754 – 1763) The first major step in the road to Revolution

The French and Indian War Why? A War Between France and England and their allies in Colonial North America

The French and Indian War Conflict between French and English over dominance in Europe in late 1600s and 1700s spilled over into America In 1740 a common interest in Ohio River Valley led to tensions between French and British Both sides built forts to claim territory

Battle over the Ohio River Valley The French had set up trading posts and forts in Canada and the Ohio River Valley. American Colonists saw them as a threat to westward expansion

The French and Indian War In 1754 George Washington was asked to intervene for the British and expel the French Washington’s troops defeated a small group of French but had to surrender when the French counterattacked (Fort Necessity) The British suggested that the American colonies form an alliance with the Iroquois.

The French and Indian War In 1755 British commander in chief, General Edward Braddock, appointed George Washington to serve as his aide. Braddock and his troops were ambushed by the French and Indians and Braddock was killed. Washington’s leadership saved the British from complete disaster.

French and Indian War (1754-1763) In 1756 fighting between Britain and France spread to Europe and became known as the Seven Years’ War. Britain’s allies fought the French in Europe which allowed most of Britain’s forces to be sent to North America and India. The turning point of the war in North America occurred with a British victory at Quebec.

Albany Conference During a meeting called the Albany Conference between the colonists and Iroquois, the Iroquois agreed to remain neutral The conference issued the Albany Plan of Union – the first suggestion that the colonies unite to form a federal government.

United colonial effort to solve Indian problem Albany Plan of Union (1754) United colonial effort to solve Indian problem Strengthen colonial defenses Leads to stronger colonial unity

Causes of French & Indian War Desire to control the Ohio River Valley Lingering hostilities between the French and British & the Indians and Colonists George Washington’s attack @ Fort Duquesne

French and Indian War (1754-1763) The Treaty of Paris 1763 finally ended the war. For the most part, French power in North America was eliminated. The British now controlled Canada, the Great Lakes country, the Ohio River valley and Florida. The Mississippi River became the boundary between the British and the Spanish claims in North America.

France Cedes (gives up) all its colonies in North America The End of the War France Cedes (gives up) all its colonies in North America

The French and Indian War Why? 1- Great Britain accumulates a massive debt 2- Begins to enforce laws and tax colonists Vocabulary- Salutary Neglect British policy of avoiding strict enforcement of laws, meant to keep the colonies obedient

The Colonies Grow Discontented The British victory caused an enormous British debt Britain looked to its colonies to help pay for the war In the spring of 1763, Pontiac, chief of the Ottawa people, united several Native American groups, including the Ottawa, Delaware, Shawnee, and Seneca peoples, to go to war against the British.

The Colonies Grow Discontented They attacked forts and towns along the frontier The British government did not want to pay for another war, so it issued the Royal Proclamation of 1763 that limited western settlement. Colonists were not allowed to settle in certain areas without the government’s permission. The proclamation angered many farmers and land speculators

Proclamation of 1763 Prohibits the colonists from moving west of the Appalachians Colonists upset: limiting the freedom rights of the colonists. Proclamation ignored 9/22

Proclamation of 1763 Imaginary line created at Appalachian Mts. To keep settlers from moving west Great Britain did not want to pay for soldiers to protect them

Navigation Acts Mercantilism laws to limit Colonial trade All trade must be done on British boats Colonies could only trade with Britain Leads to smuggling Mercantilism

The Colonies Grow Discontented In an effort to reduce Britain’s debt and pay for the British troops in North America, George Grenville, the British Prime Minister, implemented new tax policies in the colonies Merchants smuggled goods in and out of America to avoid customs duties, or taxes paid on imports and exports. Smugglers were sent before a naval court.

The Colonies Grow Discontented Grenville also introduced the Sugar Act in the colonies This act changed tax rates for raw sugar and molasses imported from foreign colonies The act placed new taxes on silk, wine, coffee, pimento, and indigo Merchants felt the Sugar Act hurt trade and argued that it violated traditional English rights

Sugar Act New tax: Lower than original tax Goal: Stop smuggling Colonist Reaction: Ignore it: Continue to smuggle

The Colonies Grow Discontented The Colonists argued that they were being taxed without representation in Parliament To slow inflation – a rise in prices of goods and services because money has lost its value – Parliament passed the Currency Act of 1764. This banned the use of paper money in the colonies.

The Stamp Act Crisis To raise more money to pay for the war, Parliament passed the Stamp Act in 1765 Stamps were required on most printed materials When the Stamp Act took effect, the colonists ignored it

Stamp Act First Direct Tax Britain ever placed on the colonists. use of stamped paper for legal documents, newspapers and playing cards. stamp was to be proof that the tax had been paid. Extremely unpopular, massive protests

Stamp Act Congress Petition: - Please repeal the taxes Boycotts: - Refuse to buy all British goods, until Stamp Act repealed

The Stamp Act Crisis By the summer of 1765, mass meetings and demonstrations against the stamp tax took place When the Stamp Act took effect, the colonists ignored it Colonial merchants signed a nonimportation agreement, agreeing not to buy any British goods (boycott) until the Stamp Act was repealed

The Stamp Act Crisis The protests led to the Stamp Act being repealed in 1766 Parliament passed the Declaratory Act, which gave them the power to make laws for the colonies. (an effort to assert its control)

Results Stamp Act repealed Declaratory Act: Parliament has the power to pass laws on the colonies period 7: 9/25

Colonial Concerns Quartering Act: British troops in colonial homes Admiralty courts: No juries, defendants were “guilty until proven innocent” “No taxation without representation”

Quartering Act 1765 Colonists could be forced to allow British soldiers in their home

Colonial Resistance

What did the colonists need in order to boycott English goods?

Homespun: Women make clothing in their homes

Townshend Acts 1767: Punishment for Stamp Act uprising “Indirect Tax” to pay for royal judges British troops to enforce the tax

The Townshend Acts Charles Townshend introduced a set of regulations and taxes called the Townshend Acts. It legalized the use of general search warrants called writs of assistance. It gave British officials the right to seize property without following due process

The Townshend Acts Virginia’s House of Burgesses passed the Virginia Resolves, stating that only the House had the right to tax Virginians. Britain ordered that the House of Burgesses be dissolved. Leaders of the House of Burgesses called a convention and passed a nonimportation law blocking the sale of British goods in Virginia

“No Taxation without Representation” Believed that only colonial governments could tax them Colonies had no members (Representatives) in Parliament No voice or say in Parliaments decisions = no right to tax

Dickinson was against independence, but for “no taxation w/o representation” Promoted the use of petition to remove taxes, if that didn’t work….. Boycott. Daughters of liberty Colonial Reaction Some colonists were against independence, but for “no taxation w/o representation”. They promoted the use of petition to remove taxes, it that didn’t work….Boycott

Sons of Liberty In Boston, Samuel Adams, the cousin of John Adams, started a group of patriots known as the Sons of Liberty. The organization grew quickly throughout the colonies. The Sons of Liberty organized outdoor meetings and demonstrations. They also intimidated stamp distributors.

Sam Adams Leader of the Sons of Liberty Propaganda Committees of correspondence

Sons of Liberty Radicals mainly from Boston Enforcers of boycotts

Colonial Resistance (enforcement)

Boston Massacre (March 5,1770) British soldiers fire on an unruly mob Soldiers represented by John Adams What is a massacre?

Boston Massacre On March 5, 1770, British troops fired into a crowd of colonists in Boston. A man of African and Native American descent was the first colonist to die in what became known as the Boston Massacre. This man’s name was Crispus Attucks The British were viewed as tyrants who were killing people standing up for their rights.

The Boston Massacre

The Boston Massacre

John Adams Lawyer Member of Sons of Liberty Defender of British soldiers accused of murder

Townshend Acts: Results Decline in exports 1770: Townshend Acts repealed Tax remains on tea - to uphold its right to tax the colonies.

Homework Answer questions 1-10 in study guide, review notes, and highlight key vocabulary words

Massachusetts Defies Britain Thomas Jefferson thought each colony should create a committee of correspondence to communicate with other colonies about British activities. This helped unify the colonies and coordinate plans for British resistance.

Massachusetts Defies Britain England’s new prime minister, Lord North, helped the British East India Company, which was almost bankrupt To assist the company with tea sales, Parliament passed the Tea Act of 1773, which made East India’s tea cheaper than smuggled Dutch tea American merchants feared this monopoly on the American tea trade was the first step by the British to force them out of business.

The Tea Act and the Boston Tea Party Colonists opposed the monopoly that was created by Act Tea was actually cheaper but some Local merchants were put out of business Sons of Liberty Protested by dumping tea in harbor. Disguised as Native Americans

Massachusetts Defies Britain In December 1773, tea ships from the East India Company arrived in Boston Harbor Colonists boarded the ship and dumped the tea into the harbor This became known as the Boston Tea Party The Boston Tea Party led to the British passing four new laws called the Coercive Acts.

Massachusetts Defies Britain These acts were an attempt to stop colonial challenges of British authority The Coercive Acts violated several English rights, including the right to trial by a jury of one’s peers and the right not to have troops quartered in one’s home; passed in reaction to Tea Party The Quebec Act gave more territory to Quebec and stated that a governor and council appointed by the king would run Quebec.

Massachusetts Defies Britain The Coercive Acts and the Quebec Act became known as the Intolerable Acts. The First Continental Congress met in Philadelphia in 1774. The congress wrote the Declaration of Rights and Grievances, which expressed loyalty to the king but condemned the Coercive Acts and announced that the colonies were forming a nonimportation association

Intolerable Acts (1774) Closed Boston harbor Massachusetts charter revoked Colonists must house troops Response to Tea Party

How did colonists react to British oppression? Non-Importation Agreements- Colonists agreed to stop importing and buying British goods Committee of Correspondence- groups formed to informed colonists about British violations Violence, protests, propaganda

1st Continental Congress Complete boycott of British good Colonial Reaction 1st Continental Congress Sept – Oct 1774 Complete boycott of British good Restated allegiance to England Association enforced by Sons of liberty

First Continental Congress All colonies except Georgia sent representatives, the first time most of the colonies had acted together. 55 delegates attended the Congress They wrote the Declaration of Rights and Grievances. This declaration expressed loyalty to the king but condemned the Coercive Acts.

Causes and Effects of Tensions with Britain Colonists protest that their rights have been violated Nine colonies hold Stamp Act Congress Colonists boycott British goods Sons and Daughters of Liberty formed Tea dumped into Boston Harbor during the “Boston Tea Party” Twelve colonies attend the Continental Congress. 1764, Sugar Act 1765, Stamp Act 1767, Townshend Acts 1773, Tea Act 1774, Coercive Acts

The Revolution Begins The town of Concord created a special unit of minutemen, trained and ready to fight the British at a minute’s warning. The American Revolution was not just a war between Americans and British but a war between Loyalists and Patriots. Americans called Loyalists, or Tories, remained loyal to the king and felt British laws should be upheld.

The Revolution Begins The group included government officials, prominent merchants, landowners, and a few farmers. The Patriots, or Whigs, thought the British were tyrants. Patriots included artisans, farmers, merchants, planters, lawyers, and urban workers.

The Revolution Begins There was a group of Americans in the middle who did not support either side and who would support whomever won. On April 18, 1775, the British set out to seize the militia’s supply depot at Concord To get there, they had to pass through Lexington Patriots Paul Revere and William Dawes were sent to Lexington to warn the people that the British were coming.

The Revolution Begins Dr. Samuel Prescott went on to warn the people of Concord In Lexington, 70 minutemen were waiting for the British. The British killed 8 and wounded 10 In Concord the British found 400 minutemen waiting for them. The minutemen forced the British to retreat

Lexington & Concord (April 1775)

“Shot heard ‘round the world” First Shots were fired as British troops engaged the "Minutemen" British troops looking for munitions, but were forced to retreat to Boston This is sometimes called the “Shot heard ‘round the world” because it started the American Revolution!

“By the rude bridge that arched the flood, Their flag to April’s breeze unfurled, Here once the embattled farmers stood, And fired the shot heard round the world”

Lexington & Concord British search for: colonial weapons, Sam Adams and John Hancock Casualties: 8 colonists killed 70 “Redcoats” killed, 300 injuries total

The Revolution Begins After the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia to address the issue of defense The Congress voted to adopt the militia army around Boston and name it the Continental Army On June 15, 1775, Congress appointed George Washington to head the Continental Army

2nd Continental Congress (May 10,1775) Government of colonies during the war Create army Name George Washington head of Continental Army Olive Branch Petition Last ditch effort to prevent all-out war Pledged loyalty to the crown KING

The Revolution Begins The Battle at Bunker Hill resulted in turning back two British advances (Breeds Hill) An American officer said “do not shoot till you see the whites of their eyes.” The colonial militia only retreated due to a lack of ammunition It was a huge boost to American confidence that untrained colonials stood up to the feared British army The British were trapped in Boston surrounded by militia.

Battle of Bunker Hill

Causes and Effects Causes Effects Colonists’ tradition of self-government, known as Salutary Neglect Americans’ sense of a separate identity from Britain Proclamation of 1763 British policies toward the colonies after 1763 United States declares independence A long war with Great Britain World recognition of American independence

Factors contributing to victory for the American rebels Diplomatic: Benjamin Franklin negotiated a Treaty of Alliance with France Military: George Washington avoided the destruction of his army and his leadership kept the army together when defeat seemed inevitable. Americans benefited from the presence of the French army and navy at the Battle of Yorktown.

Recognition Several slides come from the Power Point of bthone. US History. Smithtown, NY Some have been changed slightly, but slides, 11,13,20,22,30,43,45,51, and 53 came from Mr. Thone’s PPT.