STRESS AND INTONATION TEACHERS C1. Content and function words  Nouns : John, room, answer  Adjectives : happy, new, large, gray  Verbs : search, grow,


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Presentation transcript:


Content and function words  Nouns : John, room, answer  Adjectives : happy, new, large, gray  Verbs : search, grow, hold, have  Adverbs : really, completely, very, also, enough  Prepositions : of, at, in, without, between  Pronouns : he, they, anybody, it, one  Determiners : the, a, that, my, more, much, either,  neither  Conjunctions : and, that, when, while, although, or  Auxiliary : verbs be (is, am, are), have, got, do  Particles : no, not, nor, as

Consider the following  Going do exam task. If intend write family life, ideas thinking points making notes.  You are going to do the exam task. If you intend to write about family life, get ideas by thinking these points and making notes. Do you understand the sentence?

Focus word or words  The focus word (or words in some cases) is the most important word in a sentence. Why didn't you telephone?! I waited all day! I didn't telephone because I was so busy. The focus word changes to make the message clear. When saying the focus word, it's common to stress this word more than the other content words. This may include raising the voice, or speaking the word louder to add emphasis.

Focus word can shift during a conversation  Bob: We're flying to Las Vegas next week.  Alice: Why are you going there ?  Bob: I'm going to win a fortune !  Alice: You need to get real. Nobody wins a fortune in Las Vegas.  Bob: That's not true. Jack won a fortune there last year.  Alice: No, Jack got married. He didn't win a fortune.  Bob: That's what I call winning a fortune. I don't need to gamble to win a fortune.  Alice: Looking for love in Las Vegas is definitely not the answer.  Bob: OK. What is the answer in your opinion?  Alice: I think you need to start dating girls from here.  Bob: Don't get me started on girls from here. They're all out of my league!  Alice: Come on Bob, you're a nice guy. You will find someone.  Bob: I hope so...

Some practical work

Choosing the focus word 1. Choose the focus word of these sentences and practice saying them. 2. Say them to your partner and try to continue the conversation.

1. What do you want to do this afternoon? I’m bored! 2. I’m hungry. Let’s get some lunch. 3. Are you going to finish work or waste time? 4. Let’s get Italian food. I’m tired of Chinese. 5. The students are getting horrible grades. What’s wrong? 6. Our class is going to have a test next Friday. Make sure you prepare.

STRESS AND INTONATION Changing the meaning

Stress and meaning  When you are speaking English the words you stress can change the underlying meaning of a sentence.  Let's take a look at the following sentence: I don't think he should get the job. What does it mean?

Stress and meaning  This simple sentence can have many levels of meaning based on the word you stress.  Consider the following possibilities

I don't think he should get that job. Somebody else thinks he should get the job. I don't think he should get that job. It's not true that I think he should get the job. I don't think he should get that job. That's not really what I mean. OR I'm not sure he'll get that job.

I don't think he should get that job. Somebody else should get the job. I don't think he should get that job. In my opinion it’s wrong that he is going to get the job. I don't think he should get that job. He should have to earn (be worthy of, work hard for) that job.

I don't think he should get that job. He should get another job. I don't think he should get that job. Maybe he should get something else instead.

 As you can see, there are many different ways this sentence can be understood.  In other words, the true meaning of the sentence is expressed through the stressed word or words.

Some practical work

I said she might consider a new haircut. Read the following sentence and consider their meanings Not another person Don’t you understand me? It was my idea

Read the following sentence and consider their meanings I said she might consider a new haircut. Not something else It’s a possibility She should think about i. It’s a good idea. Not just a haircut

Exercise 1. Write out a number of sentences. 2. Read each of them stressing a different word each time you read them. Your partner should decide what you have stressed and continue the conversation. 3. Notice how the meaning changes depending on which word you stress. Remember: Don't be afraid to exaggerate the stress, in English we often use this device to add meaning to a sentence. It's very possible that when you think you are exaggerating, it will sound quite natural to native speakers.native speakers

For example I was so angry at John. He forgot to call me on my birthday. He said he had remembered, but that it was too late to call. Really? Why? Well! I’m sure he remembered, he was just too busy to call? Wow! I would never have expected that of John. After everything you have done for him?