Ch. 4 Atmosphere.


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Presentation transcript:

Ch. 4 Atmosphere

Section 1 Review 1. Earth’s Atmosphere- thin layer that keeps the Earth from getting too hot or too cold.

Section 1 Review 2. Nitrogen makes up the greatest percentage of Earth's atmosphere 78%. Oxygen makes up 21%.

Section 1 Review 3. Solids such as dust, salt and pollen particles can also be found in the atmosphere.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 1 pg. 46 1. Which is the most accurate fraction for the amount of oxygen contained in Earth’s atmosphere? a. 1/5 b. 2/3 c. 3/4

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 2 pg. 46 2. List 3 solids found in the Earth’s Atmosphere.

Quiz time: Check your answer 1. The most accurate fraction for the amount of oxygen contained in Earth’s atmosphere is 1/5 (20%). * 2/3 (66%) and 3/4 (75%)

Quiz time: Check your answer 2. 3 solids found in the Earth’s Atmosphere are dust, pollen, and salt.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 4. The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere nearest to Earth's surface.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 5. The next layer is the stratosphere and this layer contains the highest concentration of ozone.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 6. If the ozone layer disappeared, life on Earth would be exposed to higher concentrations of ultraviolet radiation.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 7. Some scientists hypothesize that Earth's ozone layer is being damaged by chlorofluorocarbons .

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 8. Chlorofluorocarbons may be harming the ozone layer by destroying ozone molecules

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 3 pg. 47 3. What are the two lower layers of the atmosphere?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 4 pg. 47 4. In what layer of the atmosphere do satellites orbit?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 3 pg. 47 3. The two lower layers of the atmosphere are the troposphere and the stratosphere.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 4 pg. 47 4. The layer of the atmosphere where satellites orbit is the exosphere.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 9. Electrically charged particles are found primarily in the Ionosphere, the layer located within the Mesosphere and Thermosphere (hottest and thickest layer).

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 10. In the Ionosphere radio waves are absorbed during the day and reflected at night.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 11. Temperatures in the thermosphere and exosphere are very warm (high temperature).

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 12. The exosphere blends into outer space and this is where satellites orbit.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 5 pg. 48 5. Which is the hottest and thickest layer: Mesosphere, thermosphere or ionosphere?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 6 pg. 48 6. What is reflected by the ionosphere at night but not during the day?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 5 pg. 48 5. The Thermosphere is the hottest and thickest layer of the atmosphere.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 6 pg. 48 6. AM radio waves are reflected at night but not during the day.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 13. In general, atmospheric pressure is greatest near Earth's surface and decreases as you move upward away from sea level.

Section 1 Review-Layers of the Earth 14. There are fewer molecules of air at high elevations, so air pressure is less.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 7 pg. 49 7. Why do the air molecules at the bottom of the figure exert more pressure than those at the top?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 8 pg. 49 8. What is the air pressure at an altitude of 5 km?

Quiz time: Check your answer to question 7 pg. 49 7. Air molecules at the bottom exert more pressure than those at the top because they are densely packed.

Quiz time: Check your answer to question 8 pg. 49 8. Air pressure at 5 km would be 400 millibars of pressure.

Read pg. 50-51 and then answer questions 9-14

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 9 pg. 50 9. Why do different layers of Earth’s atmosphere have different temperatures?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 10 pg. 50 10. Look at the graph of atmospheric temperatures. Does the thermosphere increase or decrease with altitude?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 11 pg. 50 11. Are the air molecules in the troposphere warmed mainly by the Sun’s heat or by the heat from the Earth’s surface?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 12 pg. 51 12. What does the ozone absorb?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 13 pg. 51 13. Name one way CFCs can enter the atmosphere?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 14 pg. 51 14. Where is the ozone hole located?

Quiz time: Check your answer for question 9 pg. 50 9. Different layers of Earth’s atmosphere have different temperatures because some layers have gases that absorb the Sun’s energy and other layers do not.

Quiz time: Check your answer for question 10 pg. pg. 50 10. The temperature in the thermosphere increases with altitude.

Quiz time: Check your answer for question 11 pg. 50 11. The air molecules in the troposphere are warmed by the heat from Earth’s surface.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 12 pg. 51 12. Ozone absorbs ultraviolet radiation.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 13 pg. 51 13. CFCs can enter the atmosphere by leaking from appliances and when products that contain CFCs are not disposed of properly.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 14 pg. 51 14. The ozone hole is located over Antarctia.

Great work. Next complete questions 1 and 2 on pg Great work! Next complete questions 1 and 2 on pg. 52 and then complete the vocabulary for section 1

Section 2 1. The Sun provides most of Earth’s energy. This energy drives winds and ocean currents.

Section 2 2. The Sun provides most of Earth’s energy. 3. This energy drives winds and ocean currents.

Section 2 4. When Earth receives energy from the Sun: some energy is reflected back into space, some is absorbed by the atmosphere, and some is absorbed by land and water on Earth’s surface.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 1 pg. 53 1. What happens to most of the Sun’s energy?

Quiz time: Check the answer to question 1 pg. 53 1. 65% of the Sun’s energy is absorbed by the Earth’s surface.

Section 2 5. Heat is energy that flows from an object with a higher temperature to an object with a lower temperature.

6. Heat is transferred by radiation, conduction and convection. Section 2 6. Heat is transferred by radiation, conduction and convection.

7. Radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of rays or waves. Section 2 7. Radiation is the transfer of energy in the form of rays or waves.

Section 2 8. The transfer of energy that occurs when molecules bump into one another is called conduction.

Section 2 9. Convection is the transfer of heat by the flow of material. By circulating or moving heat throughout the atmosphere heat is transferred.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 2 pg. 54 2. How do different air temperatures form a convection current?

Quiz time: Check the answer to question 2 pg. 54 2. Cooler denser air sinks while warmer less dense air rises, this causes convection currents.

Section 2 10. The constant cycling of water between the hydrosphere (water on Earth’s surface) and the atmosphere is known as the water cycle.

Section 2 11. Energy from the Sun causes water from the Earth’s surface to change from a liquid to a gas in a process called evaporation.

Section 2 12. Condensation occurs when water vapor cools and changes back into liquid water.

Section 2 13. Precipitation occurs when water drops form in clouds and become too large to be held in the air, they fall back to the Earth as rain, snow or sleet.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 3 pg. 55 3. Circle the process which occurs when water falls as rain, snow, or sleet. What is the process?

Quiz time: Check the answer to question 3 pg. 55 3. Precipitation is the process where water falls back to Earth.

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 4 pg. 55 4. What process forms clouds?

Quiz time: Fill in the answer for question 4 pg. 55 4. Clouds are formed by condensation.

Great work. Next complete questions 1,2 and 3 on pg Great work! Next complete questions 1,2 and 3 on pg. 56 and then complete the vocabulary for section 2