CHAPTER 10 SECTION 3 “The Birth Of Political Parties”


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Presentation transcript:

CHAPTER 10 SECTION 3 “The Birth Of Political Parties”

The Birth of Political Parties The framers of the Constitution had not expected the development of political parties. Political parties-organized groups of people with similar ideas about government By the early 1790’s- two parties had formed  Federalists and Republicans

Federalists Republicans Leaders- Alexander Hamilton John Adams Regions of Support-  Strongest in northern towns and coastal south Leaders- Thomas Jefferson James Madison Regions of Support-  Strongest in northern farming areas and southern and western backcountry Federalists Republicans

Federalists Republicans Beliefs- rule by wealthy & educated people Strong national gov’t Loose construction Limit states’ rights Laws to help business High tariffs Powerful national bank Pro-British Beliefs- Rule by common people Weak national gov’t Strict construction Protect states’ rights Laws to help farmers Low tariffs No national bank Pro-French Federalists Republicans

Election of 1796 Decision by three votes  John Adams-PRESIDENT- FEDERALIST  Thomas Jefferson-VICE PRESIDENT-REPUBLICAN Problem: the two top leaders belonged to different political parties.

Problems Overseas As the war between France and Britain ensued, Adams found it hard to continue a policy of neutrality. After French attacks on American ships, Adams sent diplomats to France. “XYZ Affair” – French demand bribes  Americans response: a half war  Half-war = undeclared war

Alien and Sedition Acts Republicans harshly criticized the Federalists. In response, Federalists in Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts. Alien Acts - gave the President power to jail or deport aliens if they were troublesome and suspected to be spies The Sedition Act - banned the writing or speech that stirred up hatred against Congress or the President. Aliens-foreigners who are not yet citizens Sedition-actions that may cause people to rebel against government

Fear of Tyranny Republicans feared tyranny by the federal government due to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Jefferson and Madison turned to the states to protect people’s freedoms  The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions - Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional  The Kentucky Resolution - also argued that states have the right to nullify an unconstitutional law  United Streaming (Conflicts) United Streaming (Conflicts)

Election of 1800 TIE!  Between Jefferson and Burr Tie breaker – the House of Representatives The Federalists wanted to embarrass Jefferson, so they voted for Burr For 6 days and 35 ballots the tie continued. Finally, Alexander Hamilton broke the tie by throwing his support to Jefferson.  Hamilton said of the two candidates, Jefferson was “not so dangerous a man”

Results of Election of 1800 Thomas Jefferson –Republican -3 rd President Aaron Burr-Republican-Vice President In 1804, the 12 th amendment was added to the Constitution to prevent a presidential tie again.  Electors now vote separately for President and V.P.

Thomas Jefferson-3 rd POTUS

Aaron Burr –Vice President

The Duel On July 11, 1804 Aaron Burr(V.P.) and Alexander Hamilton(former sec. of Treasury) duel in Weehawken, N.J. Duel – when two men fight using pistols Hamilton was fatally injured in the duel by a shot from Burr’s pistol.  He died the next day.

Alexander Hamilton

Burr and Hamilton Duel