The Terror Reign Maximilian Robespierre “Committee of Public Safety” Getting rid of the old regime Radical Went from one extreme to another Increase in.


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Presentation transcript:

The Terror Reign Maximilian Robespierre “Committee of Public Safety” Getting rid of the old regime Radical Went from one extreme to another Increase in reason and logic National Convention. July 28 th, 1794 Fall of Robespierre

A State Controlled Church The National Assembly took over the Church lands and declared that church officials and priests were to be elected by property owners and paid as state officials Did this in order to pay off France’s debt. Instead of taxing the bourgeoisie they sold the church lands. Alarmed and offended many of devout French peasants because they believed that the pope should rule over the church independent of the state.

New Constitution French Constitution adopted in September 1791 Stripped king of much of his authority Gave Legislative Assembly power to create French law Legislative Assembly in three groups a. a. Radicals b. b. Moderates c. c. Conservatives

The “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen” One political reform that resulted from the French Revolution was the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen”, or as it was later called, the “Declaration of the Rights of Man.” The influence of the Enlightenment, the Declaration of Independence and the French Revolution led to its writing. This document stated that all men were created and born equal and free in rights. Another statement in this declaration was that the “aim of all political association is the preservation of the natural rights of man. These rights are liberty, property, security and resistance to oppression.” Because of this strong statement, the slogan “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity” was adopted. However, this did not apply to women, even though Olympe de Gouges wrote a declaration for the rights of women. These ideas were too quickly rejected and Olympe was decapitated because he was seen as an enemy.

Abigail Sudit, Anna F, Michael M, Molly Duffy, and Erin Molloy Abigail Sudit, Anna F, Michael M, Molly Duffy, and Erin Molloy