Review Map Test
Latitude measures North and South. The equator is a line of latitude
Longitude measures East and West.
A region shares common traits. Minnesota is in the Great Lakes region
A country shares a government. The United States is a country.
The United States of America is part of the North American continent
Hemisphere is half the word divided by the Prime Meridian or Equator. The United States is in the Western and Northern hemisphere.
Washington D.C. is the capital of the United States and is not located in any state. It is east of Minnesota.
Remember the essentials in making a map. T title ( what the map is about) O orientation ( which way to look at a map) D date ( when was the data collected) A author ( who made the map) L legend( what do the symbols on the map mean) S scale( the measurement tool) S source ( where did the data come from)