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Social Studies Geography Vocabulary Words

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1 Social Studies Geography Vocabulary Words

2 latitude also called parallels; they show location north and south of the Equator

3 longitude also called Meridians; they show a location east or west of the Prime Meridian

4 Prime Meridian divides the earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres

5 Equator divides the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

6 hemisphere one half of Earth (east/west and north/south)

7 continent one of Earth’s seven large land areas
               continent one of Earth’s seven large land areas

8 grid a system of lines, letters, and numbers that help you locate places on a map

9 key also called a legend, shows the symbols on a map and tells what each symbol means

10 road map a map that is useful for finding the correct route, when traveling by car

11 physical map a map that gives information about land and water

12 political map a map gives information about boundaries, nations, and cities

13 boundary a border or outside edge of a place

14 region an area with at least one feature that makes it different from other areas

15 compass rose the symbol on a map that shows direction

16 scale the part of a map compares a distance on the map to a distance in the real world

17 title tells the subject of a map

18 mileage a chart that shows the distance between major cities on a road map

19 fifty (50) the number of states in the United States

20 Washington D.C. the national capital of the United States

21 Austin the state capital of Texas

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