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Latitude longitude review

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Presentation on theme: "Latitude longitude review"— Presentation transcript:

1 Latitude longitude review

2 What is the purpose of scale?
To find the approximate distance between two points

3 What is the purpose of latitude and longitude?
To find an exact point or location on a map

4 Is the globe showing latitude or longitude lines?

5 What special longitude line is the yellow line showing?
Prime Meridian

6 Is the globe showing latitude or longitude lines?

7 What special latitude line is the red line showing?

8 Which comes first, latitude or longitude

9 Which lines measure degrees north and south of the equator?

10 Which lines measure degrees West and East of the Prime Meridian?
Longitude lines

11 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 30°N, 135°W

12 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 60°S, 15°W

13 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 67°N, 105°E

14 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 45°S, 82°E

15 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 0°, 37°W

16 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 82°S, 0°

17 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 7°S, 97°E

18 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 82°N, 52°W

19 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 23°S, 172°W

20 Find the latitude and longitude of the point 37°N, 112°E

21 Point to the following place on the map. 75°N, 90°E

22 Point to the following place on the map. 15°S, 165°W

23 Point to the following place on the map. 30°N, 0°

24 Point to the following place on the map. 45°S, 15°W

25 Point to the following place on the map. 23°S, 82°E

26 Point to the following place on the map. 0°, 45°E

27 Point to the following place on the map. 82°N, 157°W

28 Point to the following place on the map. 37°S, 37°W

29 Point to the following place on the map. 8°S, 23°E

30 Point to the following place on the map. 82°S, 8°W

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