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Finding Your Way in the World

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1 Finding Your Way in the World
Latitude and Longitude

2 The Equator The equator is the main latitude line: 0˚
All latitude lines are horizontal. It divides the world into two hemispheres (halves).

3 The Hemispheres The top half, or the half north of the equator, is called the northern hemisphere.

4 Hemispheres The bottom half, or the half south of the equator, is called the southern hemisphere.

5 The Prime Meridian The prime meridian is the main longitude line: 0˚
All longitude lines are vertical. It divides the world into two different hemispheres (halves).

6 The Hemispheres The left side, or the half west of the prime meridian, is called the Western Hemisphere.

7 The Hemispheres The right side, or the half east of the prime meridian, is called the Eastern Hemisphere.

8 Latitude and Longitude Lines
Every map has both latitude and longitude lines. Every place has both a latitude and longitude location number.

9 Where in the World are You?
The location of a place on the map is written like this: 45˚ N, 80˚E The first number is the latitude location. The second number is the longitude location.

10 Remember Latitude lines can only be north or south.
Longitude lines can only be east or west. Now you are on your way to understanding latitude and longitude.


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