MAY 13, 2015 Informal DTC Webinar Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We will begin shortly.


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Presentation transcript:

MAY 13, 2015 Informal DTC Webinar Welcome! Thank you for joining us. We will begin shortly.

Intro to New Format All questions will be addressed during the Q/A section, as some of them may be answered over the course of the topical slides.  Either raise your hand or type your question into the chat box Each Webinar slidedeck and recording are available for those unable to attend: ge/?= ge/?=499

Quick Reminders Test Schedule + Preliminary TAM to be posted May 22 (Final TAM available October 1) SURVEY: Smarter Balanced Implementation Experience (DTCs only; closes 6/19) SURVEY: Survey on proposed Secure Browser & Supported Operating Systems (DTCs and IT Managers; closes 5/28)

PSAT/NMSQT Fall 2015 (10 th grade Norm Referenced Assessment) June 30: Order by this date to ensure delivery of Student Guides by September 2015 and availability of fee waiversfee waivers August 25:Deadline for receipt of completed SSD Accommodations Request August 28:Last date to reduce test orders September 25:Deadline to increase test book orders, and to order nonstandard test formats for SSD at October 14 or 28:Test Days November 13:Deadline to submit completed fee-waiver rosters

Smarter Balanced: Test Count Update SB test window open March 10-June12. As of May 11: o ELA CATs started: 248,181 o Math CATs started: 155,371 o ELA PTs started: 213,850 o Math PTs started: 107,443 o Completed: 234,108 o Completed: 139,288 o Completed: 199,528 o Completed: 104,228

Smarter Balanced: Changing Test Settings Change EligibilityEmbedded Settings Embedded Settings that Cannot Be Changed Mid-Test Language (including Braille) Foreign-language glossaries American Sign Language (ASL) Streamlined Mode Item Type Exclusions ELPA Domain Exemptions Embedded Settings that May Only Be Changed Mid-Test via TA Interface Text-to-Speech Color Contrast Masking Print Size Permissive Mode English Glossaries Embedded Settings that May Only Be Changed Mid-Test via TIDE Print on Demand

Smarter Balanced: Submitting Student Comments For the remainder of , student concerns about Smarter Balanced items maybe submitted by: During test session: TA uses the Student Comment Collection Form to record the student’s concern ( Comment Collection Formhttp:// Following test session: TA or other authorized staff fills out and submits an Online Student Comment Submission Form on the student’s behalf ( Student Comment Submission Formhttps://

Kindergarten Assessment: Recent Edits Overview of Changes based on stakeholder feedback  Field test new Early Literacy measures  Update Spanish Letter Names to Spanish Letter Sounds  Clarify who receives the bilingual version of Early Math and who must be administered the Spanish measure  Streamlined Spanish instructions and translations  Re-design of the Assessor booklet into 2 forms for ease of scoring and data entry process

Kindergarten Assessment: Field Test Overview For , each FT form is pre-assigned to approximately 2,500 students. Approximately 25% of Kindergarteners will receive one FT form (~10,000 out of ~ 46,000 enrolled). Schools were selected through a random stratified sample, including the following disaggregation data:  Geographic region of the state  Socioeconomic status  English learner status (LEP flag) To ensure the state has adequate representation, all designated schools need to participate using the Field Test booklets for their assigned form.

Kindergarten Assessment: Early Literacy Field Test Measures Based off panel feedback, ODE will be field testing four different Early Literacy Measures in the fall of 2015, including:  English Letter Names (smaller item grid, displaying 40 letters)  English Letter Names (grid same size as operational item, letters re-arranged, easiest to hardest)  English Letter Sounds (smaller item grid, displaying 40 letters)  English Letter Sounds (grid same size as operational item, letters re-arranged, easiest to hardest) Participating field test schools will be assigned one of these four measures to administer.

Sample of Field Test Items English Letter Names Grid smaller item grid, displaying 40 letters 100 English Letter Names Grid same size grid as Operational item, letters re-arranged, easiest to hardest Sample Not the actual charts in the kindergarten assessment

Kindergarten Assessment: Field Test Training To streamline the training process and to be more transparent, all districts/school staff will receive Field Test items training:  The FT slides will be embedded with the annual Kindergarten Assessment DTC Training module;  Field Test information (a total of 4 slides) embedded in standard KA training module in order in which the student would see the items;  Slides will contain an item description and administration directions (identical to item previously viewed);  Minimizes the number of modules required for district staff who handle KA materials;  ODE anticipates that if a child participates in one of the FT measures, the additional measure will take approximately 1.5 to 3 minutes;  Note: the FT directions are identical to the operational item directions.

Kindergarten Assessment: DTC Annual Training Due to recent improvements to assessment administration forms, ODE will not be recording and posting the KA training for DTC review prior to the webinar session on May 26, Instead, the KA Training will be presented live. DTCs are not required to view a recording before the webinar. ODE will be communicating with those districts who have RSVP’d to the May 26 th training for additional information.

Links + Communications Resources ODE Smarter Balanced landing page:  Smarter Balanced communication resources for parents:  Essential Skills teacher handout + parent FAQ: 

Formative Assessment Insights 5 Modules, 3 Webinars: 2 hours/week of professional learning in teams over the course of five months (September through February): gain deeper knowledge of college- and career-ready standards across content areas, develop knowledge and skills in implementing formative assessment practices effectively in support of deeper learning, and earn professional development units and/or graduate credits from a total of 40 hours of professional learning (requirements apply). Visit our e-brochure at to learn more and indicate interest. Early-Bird deadline to reserve slots is June 1, Contact Renee LeDoux at or Free, online course for K-12 Teachers, Instructional Coaches, and PD Staff

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