Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice.


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Presentation transcript:

Word File Sentences Patterns Expansion Writing Practice

I. the suffix “ness” The suffix “ness” is added to adjectives to form nouns which often refer to a state or quality. consciousness 意識 sadness 悲傷 happiness 愉快 kindness 仁慈 wildness 瘋狂 laziness 懶惰 fearfulness 恐懼 illness 生病 loudness 吵鬧

II. useful expressions related to “positive attitude” Better late than never. 只要開始,雖晚不遲。 When one door shuts, another opens. 天無絕人之路。 Everything is good for something. 天生我材必有用。 Heaven helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 Where there's a will, there's a way. 有志者事竟成。 Back

III. Change Your Life IV.Personality Test

Mandy lost her cell phone. Kim lost her pet dog. Cathy's father died of cancer. Sue's classmates laughed at her hairstyle. Lawrence's girlfriend dumped him. Terry's classmates bad mouthed her. Greg's teacher punished him for being late. Susan had an argument with her best friend. Michael's team lost the basketball game.

____ 1. Jennifer is a hard-working student and always takes a positive attitude toward her studying. ____ 2. Although Rachel has failed the exam several times, she will never give up. ____ 3. We may succeed if we ask help from others. ____ 4. Whether we may succeed or not depends on our attitude and luck. ____ 5. To succeed, we should let go of bad attitudes. FTFFTFTFFT Back Check the answers.

Sentences with Subordinators

A subordinating conjunction begins a subordinate clause and connects it to an independent clause. If two sentences are unequal in importance, you can combine them by placing the less- important idea in a subordinate clause, which cannot stand alone. A clause introduced by one of the following subordinators is an adverb clause.

Time: when/as, while, before, after, since, until, the moment, each time, every time, whenever Each time something bad happens, I can choose to learn from it. 2. I did ask him what had gone through his mind as the robbery took place.

Condition: if, unless, although, even though.. 3. If you invite him, he will come. 4. I won't forgive her unless she apologizes. Cause or Reason: because, since, as Kelly didn't come to school today because she was sick.

Result: so...that, such...that 6. The room was so dark that I couldn't see a thing. Purpose: so that, in order that Turn on the light so that I can see the picture more clearly.

Exercise: Combine each pair of the following sentences with the subordinator given. 1.The robbers found the back door was not locked. The robbers entered. When the robbers found the back door was not locked, they entered. 

2. It is so hot. Let’s go swimming.  Since it is so hot, let’s go swimming.

 3. You will never be happy. You choose to be happy. You won’t be happy unless you choose to be happy.

4. Jerry was taken into the operating room. The doctors started to operate on him.  After Jerry was taken into the operating room, the doctors started to operate on him.

5. The doctors operated on Jerry for 18 hours. Jerry’s life could be saved.  The doctors operated on Jerry for 18 hours so that/in order that his life could be saved.

Exercise B: Make sentences with the subordinators given. 1.while 2. even though While I came back home, the phone was ringing. Tom came to school even though he had a fever.

3. so that 4. since 5. so...that Mr. Wang worked hard so that his family could live in comfort. Angela and I have been good friends since we first met. I was so tired that I went to bed early.