1° Transnational Workshop – Rome 3rd- 4th February PROJECT WEBSITE AND PROJECT GRAPHIC DESIGN 1.


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Presentation transcript:

1° Transnational Workshop – Rome 3rd- 4th February PROJECT WEBSITE AND PROJECT GRAPHIC DESIGN 1

Project graphic design

Project logoProject graphic design

Brochure (proposal)Project graphic design

Brochure (proposal)Project graphic design

Headed paperProject graphic design

Web BannerProject graphic design Insert this banner in your web site and link it to our project ( )

NewsletterProject graphic design

Project Website

WEBSITE: public area Reserved Area (Intranet) Courseware Museum Communicator Our website is available through:

WEBSITE: public area The public area of the web site will be available in English and in Italian

project products partners pressroom newsletter info WEBSITE: public areaSection Courseware Museum Communicator Reserved Area (Intranet)

WEBSITE: public areaproject In Project area there is a general premise providing a short description of the Project: aims and specific goals, sector of intervention, direct/indirect target groups The user can visualize photos regarding transnational workshops, seminars… Link to F-Museum project:

WEBSITE: public areaproject Each partner will log in into Reserved Area through individual User ID and Password The user can enter into the courseware through the section Courseware online, Museum Communicator Each partner can visualise the news regarding the activities/meetings realised

productsWEBSITE: public area From this section the user can download the products realised, for example the first product of our project: Developing communication within museums - a starting model to train museum communicators"

products In Product area we can download materials in various format ( for example: jpg image,document in doc format,in pdf format, ppt format, and so on) WEBSITE: public area Download the document Title of the document

WEBSITE: public areapartners The partner section will provide information about all project partners with a link to his own web site and a descriptive form of the organisation. Link to a descriptive form of the organisation The same for all the other partners Link to the website of the organisation

WEBSITE: public areaPressroom List of articles concerning the project activities, for example news, press conference, dissemination activities, seminars

WEBSITE: public areaPressroom In News & Press room you can visualize news, articles, press conference regarding our project Title of the news/article

WEBSITE: public areaNewsletter List of newsletters realised

WEBSITE: public areaNewsletter In this area it is possible visualize and download project newsletter in pdf format

WEBSITE: public areaInfo The Info section will provide information about the promoter

Reserved Management Area (Intranet)

The reserved area of the website will be available only in English. Each partner will Log in into Reserved Area through individual User ID and Password

Reserved Areasection file transfer (FTP area) documents news address book mailing list

Reserved Areafile transfer (FTP area) Select the area where you wish to upload the document (administration and financial; research; monitoring; dissemination/valorisation; transnational meeting/events) In the FTP area each partner can upload and share project documents

Reserved Areadocuments Documents that you have uploaded will be published in these specific thematic sections: Section 1 - Administration and financial Section 2 - Research Section 3 - Monitoring Section 4 – Dissemination/Valorisation Section 5 - Transnational Meetings/Events

Reserved Areadocuments Section 4 – Dissemination/Valorisation Example: Download the document Title of the document

Reserved AreaNews In the reserved area will be a News section where each partner can post and visualize project news

Reserved AreaAddress book The section contains the address book of all personnel involved in the project. The address book will be created on the basis of the information provided by each partner at the beginning of the project.

Reserved AreaMailing list Mailing list of subjects (public and private) potentially interested to project Click here to send a mail to all the subjects of the list The updating of the mailing list (all along the project) will be useful to the progressive realisation of 2 databases: - Institution - Media

Create a mailing list of subjects (public and private) potentially interested to project issues and outputs and transfer useful contacts. Link their organisation institutional website to the project website as soon as it will be on line through the project banner and link it to our project ( Check all information concerning their organisation (address, phone and fax number, website address, , contact person, etc.). These information are in the section Partners of the website Check all information and data concerning the personnel involved in the project (with respect to the different roles), to create the project address book. Publish on their institutional website a presentation of the project in the national language and update it with respect to the project work in progress. Provide a short and exhaustive description of their organisation (English version) to be published on the project website (public area). All partners are requested to: Check logo of your organisation in the page Partners. WEBSITE – Check list of Partners tasks

The user can enter into the courseware through the section Courseware online, Museum Communicator

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal The Courseware Museum Communicator will be available in 4 languages: -IT -EN -RO -BG

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal new functions... The Courseware Museum Communicator will have the structure of the F-Museum Training laboratories with new functions...

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal The Courseware will be structured in Modules and Units: Each UNIT must provide: - a lecture note in PDF format" (minimum 10 - maximum 20 pages) that will be downloadable. - one or two lessons in "PPT format" (minimum 10 - maximum 20 slides) that will be downloadable. - a list of useful links regarding the item of the UNIT. - a list of bibliography - list of documents, examples, tools concerning the item of the UNIT. These files will be downloadable.

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal At the end of the MODULE will have multiple choice test (maximum 10 questions with 4 options) concerning the contents of all units

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal Also it will be possible upload these documents In the Courseware: -Photos (format.jpeg,.gif,.png size maximum 2MB) -Video (format.flv size maximum 5 MB) -File audio (format.mp3 sixe maximum 5MB)

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM The user (project partners and beneficiaries) can enter into the Forum through Username and Password

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM It is possible to search topic through the Agenda It is possible to visualize News regarding the project

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM Data of the topics inserted: -Author -Date -Title of the topic

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM The user can create a new topic or reply to topic inserted

Courseware Museum Communicator proposal Create a new topic

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM Create a new topic: -The user has to provide a title and text -Then click on send to save and insert the post

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM Reply to topics created

Courseware Museum Communicator FORUM Reply to topic inserted: -The user can answer to this post. You have to provide adescription -Then click on send to save and insert the answer.