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DISSEMINATION AND VALORISATION PLAN Once Again-st is a dissemination and valorisation intervention Dissemination implies all actions, tools and channels.

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3 Once Again-st is a dissemination and valorisation intervention Dissemination implies all actions, tools and channels aimed at providing updated information on the project work in progress to a large sample of organisations and individuals that work within the sector target Valorisation implies the direct involvement of project target groups in the realisation of specific activities and tools planned, in order that project final outcomes and outputs addressed to them, are co- produced with them and validated by them. To achieve dissemination and valorisation objectives have been planned a range of diversifies activities, tools and channels to be realised all along the two years of project implementation

4  Project Graphic design  Project website – public area  Project brochure  Project Newsletter  Mailing lists (around 1500 contacts)  Portal on school abandon (website – public area)  1 Dissemination Seminar (RO)  Project Final Conference (GR)  Final CD Rom (1500 copies)  Collection of Newsletters (Project Magazine - Paper 300 copies)  Video – 1 hour (DVD 200 copies and broadcasting on satellite channel)  Labours D/V products planned

5  Project Graphic design Project Logo Project website graphic structure Project Slide show Format Project Headed Paper Brochure Layout Newsletter Layout

6  Project website – public area All partners’ websites will be linked to the project website Start : from the beginning of the 2 nd month starts the planning and realisation of the website (IT/EN). The project website will be updated during the 24 months of project implementation

7  Project Brochure 1/2 Start : 2 nd month Brochure n.0 Publishing : from the 2° month, the brochure will updated every 4 months. In total all along the project will be published on line (website *pdf format) 5 numbers of the Brochure: n.1 – 6 th month n.2 – 10 th month n.3 – 14 th month n.4 – 18 th month n.5 – 22 th month The Brochure n.0 will include a general description of the project, as tool to provide target groups with preliminary information. The Brochure will published on project website in *pdf format and word format, in order that all partners can download it and use it to disseminate the project general contents. It will be realised in all partnership languages.

8  Project Brochure 2/2 Description : The Brochure represents one of the tools that partners will have to realise to disseminate the project work in progress. It will be realised in all partnership languages + an abstract in english (except for Brochure n.0), since it will answer to two main goals: - dissemination at local-national level (national language) - dissemination at transnational level (abstract in english) It will be always published on project website in *pdf format. Each partner will realise all 5 numbers planned of the Brochure (national language + english abstract) and make it available on project website and on official website).  note: In each partnership country the staff involved in the editing of the brochure will include at least two young dropouts that will provide their contribution to the realisation of each number of the Brochure.

9  Project Newsletter Publishing : from the 3 rd month, every 8 months will be published on project website the Newsletter. In total all along the project will be published 3 numbers ( *pdf format): n.1 – 11 th month n.2 – 18 th month n.3 – 24 th month Description : The Newsletter will be constitute by the collation of the abstract in English of the brochures produced in each country. So around every 2 numbers of the brochure produced in each country, will be published 1 number of the Newsletter. It will be in English and will also include possibly additional reviews and contributions on specific themes, with the involvement of external experts or professionals.

10  Mailing lists 1/2 MAILING LISTS OF ORGANISATIONS/INSTITUTIONS/EXPERTS INTERESTED IN PROJECT TOPICS Each partner will:  provide a mailing list (local, national and European level)  constantly update the mailing list  use the mailing list to disseminate information, news and project products Subjects should not be regarded merely as beneficiaries of information…stimulate them to play an active role in the project! contributions and suggestions External actors Project partner information, news and project products

11  Mailing lists 2/2 The updating of the mailing list (all along the project) will be useful to the progressive realisation of 2 databases : 1.Concerning organisations potentially interested to project activities and outcomes 2.Concerning companies and information/communication channels and media (reviews, newspapers, on line and on paper) At the end the 2 databases will include in total around 1500 contacts

12  Portal on school abandon (website – public area) 1/4 Start : 4 th month Publishing on line : from the 9th month The Portal will be published within the Public Area of the Project website (english version only), and will be structured as a Virtual Pedagogical Resources Centre, that is, an open source channel and tool, where all users can enter without limitations to upload and download on line materials.  Pre-selection of the materials to download are not foreseen, since their validation will be acted by the users themselves: the portal is conceived as a space addressed to operators to exchange information, experiences, good practices, tools, etc. The upload and download functions will be supported through an editor on line software: on the website users will find available a very short courseware (in download) in 3 languages (IT, EN, D) to guide them in using the whole system to directly publish contributions of different kinds.

13  Portal on school abandon (website – public area) 2/4 Description: The Portal will be articulated in 7 macro-sections: 1. Products – operative documents and tools available in download, addressed to operators to support guidance, counselling, tutoring, training actions (questionnaires, grids, protocols, methodological and analitycal texts, handbooks and guides related to good practices experimented and validated). 2. Projects – case studies available in download, realised in different countries (also external to the partnership). For each case study will be provided a detailed description (year, target, aims, activities, outcomes). 3. Didactic material – training coursewares available in download, realised by different users and answering to specific target groups needs. 4. Researches – sectorial analysis and surveys realised in different countries, available in download.

14  Portal on school abandon (website – public area) 3/4 5. Observatory – available in download the presentation of statistical data on dropouts referred to different countries and legislative texts referred to the school abandon phenomenon in the different countries. 6. Bibliography – Index of different texts and documents concerning the school abandon and dispersion phenomenon and short abstract of their contents. 7. Contacts – links and addresses of different typologies of organisations with specific competences.

15  Portal on school abandon (website – public area) 4/4  note: As for the Brochure and the website, in each partnership country the staff involved in the updating of the Portal will have to include at least two young dropouts. Among all services provided in the Portal, there will be activated a Forum space answering to the Help desk function, addressed to the exchange of information, experiences and good practices among the operators. In this way the target groups (portal users) will contribute to make the portal, through the Forum, a virtual space for discussion on specific case studies, at transnational level. At the end of the project, the Case studies analysed and shared within the Forum might be collected and published. It is very important that all partners participate in the promotion and dissemination of the Portal using local, national and transnational networks. The Portal represents the most experimental aspect of the proposal and its success depends on the interest the partnership will be able to arise, involving people to cooperate in its realisation and use. If the Portal at the end of the project will be successful, it will be left available, in order to became a real Virtual Point of reference.

16  1 st Dissemination Seminar (RO) Period : end of 12 th month (work plan phase 3) The dissemination seminar will consist of a one-day meeting with representatives (operators) of the local organisations working directly with dropouts. It will be aimed at creating an opportunity of exchange and dialogue with local K-speakers. Partnership delegates will present the project outcomes achieved and local k-speakers will introduce their specific experiences.

17  Project Final Conference (GR) Period : 24 th month The Final Conference will be held in Athens with the aim of presenting the final outcomes and outputs achieved and realised during the project. Among the materials that will be presented and given to participants are some specific project products: - Final CD Rom - Video master (on DVD) - Collection of Newsletters (Project Magazine - paper format)

18  Final CD Rom The final Cd-Rom (1500 copies) will include: -The Model for territorial quali- quantitative analysis + handbook and courseware (EN) -The collection of Glossaries and Word lists (IT, EN, LV, EL, D, PL, RO), national language + English - The Compendium concerning communication-relation good practices identified in each country (national language + English).

19  Collection of Newsletters (Project Magazine) The Collection will include all 6 Newsletters realised in each country (except Italy) during the Labours with operators and Young. They will be in national language and English version. It will be on paper format and will be printed in 300 copies.

20  Video Master The final version of the Video will be produced during the Labour that will be realised in Italy, with young and operators. The material that young will learn to edit will be the one recorded during the research activities planned in the phase 2 (interviews and one-day meeting with operators and young in all countries involved). The Video will last around 1 hour and will include subtitles in English. It will printed in 200 copies on DVD and broadcasted on satellite channel.

21  Labours 1/2 The editorial Labours that will be realised in EL, D, UK, LV, RO and PL will be aimed at the production of 6 Newsletters in national language and English. All Labours will be structured on the base of a common Protocol worked out by the partners, where will be provided operative information as: Role and tasks of the partners’staff in charge of coordinating the activity; Maximum number of operators and young to be involved in the editorial staff; Index of the Newsletter Schedule; Maximum number of pages required (dimension); Maximum period foreseen for the Labours realisation (days); Technical-didactical contents to be transferred to young during the Labours.

22  Labours 2/2 The (audio-video) editing Labour that will be realised in Italy and will be aimed at the production of 1 Video Master (around 1 hour). Also this Labour will be structured on the be base of a Protocol worked out by the partners where will be provided operative information as: Role and tasks of the partners’staff in charge of coordinating the activity; Maximum number of operators and young to be involved in the editorial staff; Maximum period foreseen for the Labour realisation (days); Technical-didactical contents to be transferred to young during the Labour.

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