Development of Dynamic Alarm at Small Device Depending on Real-time Traffic and Weather Information リアルタイム交通情報と気象情報を用いた 小型端末機器における動的時間お知らせシステムの開発 Hosei.


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Presentation transcript:

Development of Dynamic Alarm at Small Device Depending on Real-time Traffic and Weather Information リアルタイム交通情報と気象情報を用いた 小型端末機器における動的時間お知らせシステムの開発 Hosei University, Faculty of Computer and Information Science Tomoyo Kanemaru

PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Relevant Literature  Goal of My Research  System Design  Implementation  Implementation Result  Conclusion  Future Work

RELEVENT LITERATURE Applications of maps and transfer ・ Ekitan Navi transfer information ・ BASUDOKO bus position information ↓ These systems have possibility of time forgetfulness.

GOAL OF MY RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT OF DYNAMIC ALARM SYSTEM FOR SMALL DEVICE -set alarm which user certainly be in time -user can select means of transportation he like

SYSTEM DESIGN Recognizing current place Mobile Destination Time Spare Minutes Database Means List Alarm ♪ Web server Calculate Time and Make Means List Calculate Alarm Time Data Real-time Information ・ weather ・ traffic Database Connector

HOW TO CALCULATE TIME AND MAKE MEANS LIST List example time: T 0 = T reach ( T reach : arriving time )( n=0 ) T n = T n-1 - t n ( n≠0 ) *t n is defined based on weather and traffic information previous stop name time next ・・・・・・ ・・・・・・

HOW TO DECIDE t n VALUE?  Foot t n = distance / 72(m/min) / a  Bicycle t n = distance / 144(m/min) / a  Bus t n = BUS Information (arriving time and seat information)  Train t n = TRAIN Information (leaving and arriving time)  Taxi t n = 830(m)/min / a + TRAFFIC JAM Information  Car t n = 830(m)/min / a + TRAFFIC JAM Information *a: weather fixed number a = 1 (sunny day) a = 1.6 (rain day)

HOW TO DECIDE ALARM TIME Solution Contradiction of Alarm Time ・ traffic accident (bus, taxi, car) ・ delay of transportation ( bus, train ) ・ bus capacity (bus) ↓ Calculate another time at the same time

Implementation Architectures ・ Wireless toolkit2.3 (heap size:100KB) ・ tomcat5.5 ・ mySQL1.1

How to use

Implementation Result Alarm ring ♪

Conclusion  This application can use at small device which capacity is more than 86KB.  This system can ring alarm at the predict start time.  User can choose the favorite transportation.

Future Work  Bring it close to the system which has more real-time processes. →When user will be late for the destination, this system can advice him to hurry his steps.  Match the expected acceleration to each user’s speed. →This will be close to user’s desire.  Add map information to the system →This can reduce the case user lost his way.