Consultation Survey When answering these questions please think about policing in general and not just the issues connected with this evening. Thank you
How did you travel to this meeting? 1.Car 2.Motorbike 3.Swim 4.Hot air balloon 5.TARDIS 6.Shanks’ pony
Please say how much you agree or disagree with the following statement: The police in your area are dealing with the things that matter to people in your community. 1.Strongly agree 2.Tend to agree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Tend to disagree 5.Strongly disagree 6.Don’t know
How much would you say that Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) has changed since two years ago? In your area would you say there is more or less ASB? 1.A lot more ASB 2.A little more ASB 3.About the same 4.A little less ASB 5.A lot less ASB
How much is YOUR OWN quality of life affected by ASB? (On a scale of 1 to 5) 1.No affect Total affect
How much would you say the crime rate has changed since two years ago? In your area would you say there is more or less crime? 1.A lot more crime 2.A little more crime 3.About the same 4.A little less crime 5.A lot less crime
How much is YOUR OWN quality of life affected by crime? (On a scale of 1 to 5) 1.No affect Total affect
How safe do you feel in the area where you live? 1.Very safe 2.Fairly safe 3.A bit unsafe 4.Very unsafe
Have you been a victim of crime or anti- social behaviour in the last 12 months? 1.Yes 2.No
What do you think should be the main priority for the police in your area? Please pick your top priority. 1.Alcohol related issues 2.Anti-Social behaviour 3.Criminal damage/vandalism 4.Drug related issues 5.House burglary 6.Robbery 7.Speeding/traffic offences 8.Vehicle related crime (stealing of/from) 9.Violence in the home 10.Violent crime in public
Do you think the police provide value for money in your area? 1.Strongly agree 2.Tend to agree 3.Neither agree nor disagree 4.Tend to disagree 5.Strongly disagree
Overall, how good a job do you think the police in your area are doing? 1.Excellent 2.Good 3.Fair 4.Poor 5.Very poor
Questions from Mid Suffolk District Council
Would you always report anti-social behaviour to Mid Suffolk District Council? 1.Yes 2.No 3.Don’t know
How satisfied are you with the way Mid Suffolk DC deal with complaints of ASB? 1.Very satisfied 2.Fairly satisfied 3.Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 4.Fairly dissatisfied 5.Very dissatisfied
Thank you for participating. For more information please visit &